Recent content by Bkrog

  1. Bkrog

    Incubator Got Mites It,

    And if the newly hatched chicks end up with mites what how do I treat. Would rather have it prepared on hand than be stuck wondering.
  2. Bkrog

    Incubator Got Mites It,

    Wasn’t the coop that had mites, it was the incubator. The eggs that had them were purchased & were not from my own. Everything is clean in my coop literally just cleaned it two days ago. The concern is for the chicks about to hatch in the incubator. As I stated I throughly cleaned the incubator...
  3. Bkrog

    Incubator Got Mites It,

    So I have 3 eggs that are about to hatch today. They were under a broody hen, but she got sick so I had to withdraw them from her & put them in an incubator. Here’s my dilemma, I was given a bad batch of eggs that infested my incubator with mites a few weeks ago. I took it apart throughly...
  4. Bkrog

    Importing Hatching Eggs

    Has anyone ever imported hatching eggs from either the UK or Germany into the US? Is it even possible or will I need to ship live chickens? If it was possible what did it entail? There is one breed that I really want but cannot find in the states
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