Recent content by blacklab

  1. B

    What eggs to incubate this spring?

    We’d really like to get some different colored eggs and chickens to incubate this spring to add to our aging Buff Orpington and Easter Egger flock of 9 hens. We are only getting 2-3 eggs/day this summer as the hens are not only getting older (most 3 yo only 3 are 1 yo) and hot! What would be the...
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    Air Quality Concerns

    I heard the Canadian wildfire smoke had drifted into NY and VA over last weekend making air quality poor. Probably what has happened to you. Not sure anything can be done however.
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    Advice for overwhelmed soon to be chicken owner!

    The Over E-Z Coop is a very heavy duty and predator safe coop, comes in 2 sizes - well made by the Amish. We love ours and I’d highly recommend.
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    Are nipple waterers hard to keep clean?

    I keep an old toothbrush to run over the inside and outside of the nipples when I change the water. Never had a problem-love this style waterer.
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    Bare Butt - Orpingtons

    Our Buff Orpingtons (4 hens 1 rooster) were raised by us from the egg. We love them and they are great egg layers. But our "first born" started out with a quarter sized bare spot below her vent and now in a matter of weeks, it is the size of her whole butt! I am horrified! They are on grower...
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    Comment by 'blacklab' in article 'Feather Picking In Chickens ~ My Experiences'

    Your article was very informative, but I'm still not sure that's the problem we have. Our Buff Orpingtons (4 hens 1 rooster) were raised by us from the egg. We love them and they are great egg layers. But our "first born" started out with a quarter sized bare spot below her vent and now in a...
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    Comment by 'blacklab' in article 'The Hen Den'

    Love the painted tires!
  8. B

    Hello everyone!

    Hi - I'm new to chickens and I have a dumb question! Is a white legging chicken the same as a white leghorn? Looking to get hens to add to our buff orpington flock, and was not sure. Thanks!
  9. B

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    I just can't get over how beautiful they are! Might have to check out adding to my buff flock! Thank you!
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    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    Can you get silver laced English orps here in the U.S.? Do they have to be imported?
  11. B

    What do you use to string up a head of cabbage for your chickens that will security hold the cabbage?

    We use a shishkabob skewer and also put melon slices and apples on it - skewer it into the ground.
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    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    What kind is she?
  13. B

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    They are beautiful! We have Buffs and now that they are mature - 26 weeks - we can't hardly tell them apart, although they all have/had names when they were little and each looked more different. Do you put colored bands on yours - I didn't see any?
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