Recent content by blaine012

  1. blaine012

    Chicken Run 4

    Finally finished a chicken run for them. It's about 18' x 6 1/2' x 6 1/2'. I used 1/2" hardware cloth for the sides and ends. I used 2"x4" wire fencing for the top but when I found birds finding their way in I then covered the fencing with poultry wire also. I used Palruf (corrugated PVC...
  2. Blaines Chicken Coop

    Blaines Chicken Coop

    This is the chicken coop my father and I built this fall. I looked all over the web to try to find some free plans and finally found this plan at We made a couple changes in the framing and design..... no actually, we made several changes but it gave us the dimensions to start...
  3. blaine012

    Where in Massachusetts

    I live in Woburn.... no problem at all with chickens but Roosters aren't allowed. I don't know about ducks...
  4. blaine012

    Chicken wire or hardware cloth?

    Having lost one hen to a fox I wanted the security of hardware cloth when I built my run. Even paying $80. for shipping (I bought it online) it was still half the price I would have paid at the local stores. I like the piece of mind in knowing that they are safe...
  5. blaine012

    Wet wood from Home Depot...

    One little last bit of advice...The ACQ treated lumber has a high level of copper and is corrosive to aluminum fasteners and metal nails and screws. You may want to either use stainless steel, hot-dipped galvanized (must be a "G-185" designation) or just something that is marked "for use on ACQ...
  6. blaine012

    Massachusetts anyone?

    Woburn here!.... I got my first 6 hens Jan 15th.... 3 Dominiques, Lakenvelder, Silkie and a Buff Orpington. The Orpington was just killed a week ago by a fox!!... I only had time to make a temporary run but still... I thought it was secure. I'm still not even sure how that fox managed to...
  7. blaine012

    Ended - Coop Page Contest Early 2011 - Winners Chosen!

    This is the coop my Dad and I built this fall. There wasn't enough time for a permanent run so I put up a temporary one (not in the photos.)
  8. blaine012

    New Anti-Spam System

    The only problem with blocking the spammers is that I can't post my new coop in the contest. I tried about 3 weeks ago but it said new members could not upload pics or links... I tired again today but recieved the same message. I created my coop page using the upload tool.... Do I need to...
  9. blaine012

    first night using heat lamp

    I was considering putting some kind of a light for warmth because of last nights and tonights below 0 temps but they seem to be doing just fine!... My hens came from a farm in N.H and I guess living in barn during the cold N.H weather made them hardy enough to withstand these temps.
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