Recent content by BlindLemonChicken

  1. BlindLemonChicken

    Bright red blood in coop

    Found the poor girl with dried blood on her bum feathers. Looks like there is fresh blood under the roost. It didn't look prolapsed but if it is there isn't much to be done, is there? She is an older girl and hasn't been laying for a month or so. She just finished a molt. She's acting normal but...
  2. BlindLemonChicken

    Bright red blood in coop

    If it were a comb or wattle I would expect to see it on feathers, which I don't. I can definitely see it being a toenail but i don't see any blood anywhere in the run where they roost or hang out either. They use a white ladder to get up to that roost and there's no blood on it, either. Maybe I...
  3. BlindLemonChicken

    Bright red blood in coop

    Happy Thanksgiving! I went out to get eggs this afternoon and there was bright red blood splattered under the roost. Nothing on eggs. It doesn't appear to involve poop (it was on top of poop but not in it and had apparently splattered from a chicken sitting on the roost). Probably a couple...
  4. BlindLemonChicken

    Anyone Else with Low Egg Production?

    I usually keep a mixed age flock for this exact reason. Unfortunately I just found my youngest chicken who just started laying dead under the roost so I am happy to be getting two eggs a day out of the remaining 7 girls who range from 1-3 years.
  5. BlindLemonChicken

    Comb changes, not laying, feather loss over 2 months

    I have had chickens take a few months to molt. You might try a higher protein food like feather fixer to see if it helps her get back to her old self.
  6. BlindLemonChicken

    Young Easter Egger not laying…

    How old is she? Is she molting?
  7. BlindLemonChicken

    What breed is he?

    I don't know but he's pretty! I was thinking some kind of sex link but I don't think so with that lacing. Following to find out.
  8. BlindLemonChicken

    What do you do about vent gleet in a baby chick?

    Do you have a picture of your brooder setup? Recurring pasty butt is usually a sign your brooder is too hot.
  9. BlindLemonChicken

    Should I raise chicks alone to make them more friendly?

    I never raise my chicks to be super friendly by holding them etc. I just feed them out of my hand when they are pullets and they always turn out very friendly. My kid can pick all of them up. I think it depends on breed and individual personality. Raising them alone is against their nature and I...
  10. BlindLemonChicken

    Suggestions for a VERY muddy run?

    I did straw this year to help the chickens with the wet snow. It helped in the short term but now that the snow is gone I just have a bunch of wet straw that's really hard to turn over. Lesson learned. I am going to stock up on sand as soon as the weather dries out a bit. Your new setup sounds...
  11. BlindLemonChicken

    Suggestions for a VERY muddy run?

    You can usually buy them at the farm store or even home depot.
  12. BlindLemonChicken

    Refused to use Nesting boxes

    My chickens are very picky about their nesting boxes. If I put wood shavings in they lay somewhere else. If I put hay they kick it out. So it sounds normal to me
  13. BlindLemonChicken

    Suggestions for a VERY muddy run?

    Wood chips have helped a ton with my mud mess.
  14. BlindLemonChicken

    4 week old chick fluffed out wings down - treating with corid

    Rocks and branches should be fine too. I think that sometimes chicks get stressed from hatching, shipping, adjusting to new things (even grown hens will go on a laying strike if you rearrange their coop sometimes) and while its easy to get stressed about it yourself the fact is sometimes they...
  15. BlindLemonChicken

    4 week old chick fluffed out wings down - treating with corid

    Have you seen him eating anything weird? Sometimes they will munch on wood chips. I can't remember if you said the brooder was lined with plastic? I would get that out of there if you think theyre picking at it
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