Recent content by Blisstw

  1. Blisstw

    Located in Cedar Rapids Iowa

    Located in Cedar Rapids Iowa
  2. Blisstw

    Review by '' on item 'Barnevelder'

    We have a small flock of 4 Barnvelder bantam girls (plus roosters that live elsewhere) that we adore. I've noticed several people mention that the Barneveders are not friendly but ours follow us around like puppies and are generally ok with being handled. I suppose I enjoy watching them more...
  3. Blisstw

    Silver laced Barnevelder bantam girls

    Hi. We're new to the site and I thought it would be nice to introduce our Barnvelder bantam girls. We love the breed and have thoroughly enjoyed watching them grow in our back yard. We've recently received our first eggs and look forward to getting more as we move toward spring/summer. I'd...
  4. Blisstw

    Backyard bantam coop and run

    New to backyard chickens although I've used the site as a resource for information on breeds, coops, runs and experiences with chickens. Here are pictures of the coop and run my husband built for our 4 barnevelder bantams. The girls are just 6 months old now and seem to enjoy the space. We've...
  5. Blisstw


    Shawn here from Cedar Rapids IA. Our city started a backyard chicken ordinanace fairly recently. Having had chickens as a youngster I decided it would be fun to participate. After first deciding on bantams for our backyard flock we needed to decide which breed. Since our priorities were 1)...
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