Recent content by blue2jade

  1. blue2jade

    The Chicken Family

    This is my first time ever owning chickens, and I love it! I've had my girls for about a year, and plan on getting a couple more next year. They are all just over a year old, and I got them all at the same time at Wilco. I have loved the experience, and they are some of the best pets I have...
  2. blue2jade

    What do you have in your flock?

    Right now I have: Buff Orpington Barred Rock Speckled Sussex For next year I would like to get some combination of: Australorp Americauna Rhode Island Red Leghorn
  3. blue2jade

    Comment by 'blue2jade' in item 'Orpington'

    They are super sweet. When my BO's were chicks, they used my legs as a slide and would climb up on my knees and slide down my leg. It was super cute.
  4. blue2jade

    Looking for fertile eggs near Portland, OR

    Wow, that's great info, thanks! Mostly, I'm just looking for resources. I probably won't be getting new chicks for another year, but I thought I might as well get the information now.
  5. blue2jade

    Review by '' on item 'Plymouth Rock'

    My barred rock is the nicest girl of my flock. She comes to the gate of her coop to greet me each time I go out there. Always the first to venture into the unknown parts of the backyard when they're let out. When she was a chick, if I was paying too much attention to someone else, she would let...
  6. blue2jade

    Review by '' on item 'Sussex'

    My two Speckled Sussex are nice enough. They don't peck at the other hens or at me, and they pretty much just leave everyone alone. Don't come up to me like the rest of the flock when I let them out of the coop, and really hate being picked up. If I try they start struggling a lot and if/when...
  7. blue2jade

    Review by '' on item 'Orpington'

    I own two BO's, both very sweet animals, but not super affectionate. Both of my Orpingtons tolerate being picked up or held without much raucous, although it's not their favorite activity. They like to be around people, and each have their own personality quirks. One of them is a little shier...
  8. blue2jade

    Another new adventure

    I hope you get your Buff Orpingtons. I own two and they are great. Barred Rocks are great too though. I have one and she's the most affectionate of my flock. Congrats on the new chicks and welcome.
  9. blue2jade

    Coop Names and Signs

    Mine's the T.A.R.D.I.S because I painted it navy blue and have started to make a sign for the top saying "Police Public Call Box."
  10. blue2jade

    Thinking about getting ducks

    Great thanks!
  11. blue2jade

    Thinking about getting ducks

    Great, thanks everyone! Does anyone have any suggestions for research books or sites for ducks other then the one suggested earlier:
  12. blue2jade

    Thinking about getting ducks

    Thanks, I would never have thought to check for all those things by myself. I'll look into it.
  13. blue2jade

    Thinking about getting ducks

    Wow! Thanks everyone for so much information! This was exactly what I was looking for. I have a slow running creek in my backyard and I was thinking that that could be the duck's water source. Would this work?
  14. blue2jade

    Thinking about getting ducks

    Hello. I don't know much about ducks, and this is just an idea for the future, but it sounds like a fun idea to keep ducks. If anyone has suggestions on breeds, or has tips on duck keeping, please let me know.
  15. blue2jade

    red light, white light.

    I've hear that red light helps prevent cannibalism among chicks.
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