Recent content by bluegiantsc

  1. bluegiantsc

    Hen attacked by fox

    My hen is still with me, shes fighting me more and more, but shes still really quiet. I'm having a hard time getting her to eat still, its so hard to force feed her when she fights. One of her eyes is slightly open, the other one isn't. Shes starting to preen herself a lot more though, and it...
  2. bluegiantsc

    Hen attacked by fox

    Thanks! I've been feeding her at night and letting her hang out in the living room a little bit, on a blanket to stretch her legs. Shes in a semi-small kennel because of her wing. She can stand up and turn around, but thats it. I did put her in a kennel outside today in the sun, to see if...
  3. bluegiantsc

    Hen attacked by fox

    A few days ago, Thursday or Friday, I think (my days run together) I found my hen in the coop laying down with blood on her face. I immediately brought her inside and tired to clean off her head. I fed her the day before and she was fine, but I guess that night she got attacked. At first I...
  4. bluegiantsc

    South Carolina

    Hey guys! I'm in York and I have one lonely hen right now, I'm looking for another hen to put with her. Anyone have a hen they're willing to part with? I would even take an older lady who isn't laying anymore. My husband would really love a Barred Rock, but anything would be great! My hen...
  5. bluegiantsc

    Jersey Giant Roosters

    Here are some updated pictures of the roosters. They're all still available. To add also, they've all reached full weight, about 12 lbs. They're almost 1 year old. They all seem to be really good roosters, none are aggressive.
  6. bluegiantsc

    Lethargic after laying an egg.

    I should have also added earlier, that I treated the whole flock for mites, just in case. I dusted them with mite powder from TSC. And I also put a big pile of DE in their coop to dust bathe in. I treated the hen for mites as well, in addition to the save-a-chick mixture.
  7. bluegiantsc

    Lethargic after laying an egg.

    I think what happened to my girl was a calcium deficiency. So what I did was, I made up a pitcher of Save-a-chick, a gallon of it. I crushed up some human calcium tablets and put it in the save-a-chick, then I put a tube of bene-bac in there, I think a vitamin D tablet crushed up went in there...
  8. bluegiantsc

    Jersey Giant Roosters

    This roosters are still available, if anyone is interested in them! They've turned out to be beautiful birds, especially the black and blue.
  9. bluegiantsc

    Comb Injury

    Update on my rooster. He's doing really well! It looks like there is some new growth on his comb and he finally got clean. I still haven't put him in with the rest of the flock and I probably won't. He's been roosting near them at night and hanging out near them during the day, in the barnyard...
  10. bluegiantsc

    Comb Injury

    I can and will put his crate near the coop, so he can be near the rest of the flock. Yes, his eyes have always been like that. I thought that he had black eyes for the longest time because I only saw that one side of his head, then one day I walked on the other side of him and bam a yellow...
  11. bluegiantsc

    Comb Injury

    I just went out and gave him a special treat, to get him to eat. I made him a special mix of plain greek yogurt, strawberries, banana, chicken feed, a hardboiled egg and some vanilla soy milk. Thats the first thing I've gotten him to eat, so thats a start! Hopefully that will make him feel...
  12. bluegiantsc

    Comb Injury

    Here are some pictures of him. He got a bath today. I scrub him down with a baby brush, but I didn't want to rub his comb or wattles too hard. So I tried to gently wash them with a wash cloth. I didn't do a great job because the blood is REALLY on there. I blew him dry with the hairdryer and...
  13. bluegiantsc

    Comb Injury

    Thanks so much! I'm going to keep him separated for a while. He's been very quiet today. I cleaned him up a little bit, I'll do a better job tomorrow as I'll have more time. I set him back down in the shade by the pond and he wound up walking into the water just enough to cover his feet and he...
  14. bluegiantsc

    Comb Injury

    I, unfortunately, have 5 roosters living together. Four of them have been together since hatching, then the fifth is their father. So the four get along really well, they have their own pecking order and they exist peacefully. I've had to put them together with their dad in a coop and the adult...
  15. bluegiantsc

    Jersey Giant Roosters

    I have 5 Jersey Giant Roosters FOR FREE! Come and get them! I could travel to Rock Hill or Charlotte. I have a fully grown 2 year old, white splashed blue. Two 5 month old white splashed blues. One 5 month old black. One 5 month old blue. All the 5 months old are close to full height...
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