Recent content by bokbokbacok

  1. bokbokbacok

    The fight to keep chickens in various zones

    I know...the tough part is that our ag lot is next to a subdivision. And some in a subdivision do not want to see,hear,or smell animals. (Ours are well kept btw!). Out family has owned our property since the early 70's and watched the subdivision come in lol. Others in the subdivision want to...
  2. bokbokbacok

    The fight to keep chickens in various zones

    Btw, the neighbot complaint was valid. I was free ranging and one of my hens slipped under the fence and went into her flower bed. As soon as I found her missing I did my search and the neighbor was outside trying to catch her. I appologized and the neighbor commented that it was ok, she was...
  3. bokbokbacok

    The fight to keep chickens in various zones

    In my research of surrounding areas of zoning laws particular to chickens I came across an old thread here: My husband and I live in an AGRICULTURAL district of Fairview, Pa. We are zoned A-1 and received a rude...
  4. bokbokbacok

    Feather-footed bantams from TSC-lots of pics

    Did you ever come to a conclusion as to what breed your #1 is? I'm asking because I just got one from TSC and it looks EXACTLY like yours!
  5. bokbokbacok

    Comment by 'bokbokbacok' in article 'Bumblefoot How To Treat Your Chickens With Surgery Graphic Pics'

    Ok....I know that I posted about my hen...Peck Head way back in October but she has done well. She still limps but the area seems to have healed. Oddly enough...we are having a record melt today but yesterday I noticed two more limpers. I don't understand because I don't see any problems on the...
  6. bokbokbacok

    Comment by 'bokbokbacok' in article 'Bumblefoot How To Treat Your Chickens With Surgery Graphic Pics'

    Okay...I JUST performed this on my hen, "peck head". Yes, she is at the bottom of the pecking order. I hope I got all the yuck out. I soaked, cleared the hole, then packed with neosporin. I covered it in a bandage and taped. I have her seperated into a larger cage for observation and so that the...
  7. bokbokbacok

    Broodiness vs Egg bound?

    Wow! 14 eggs! Its somewhat funny to watch her. She is really a very nice hen and does not peck at me. I pet her. Is that She is a mixed breed, I'm sure but she is the friendliest hen I have. She has been off the next for the past couple of days but I am still missing that one...
  8. bokbokbacok

    Broodiness vs Egg bound?

    Thanks Kevin. That is what I was thinking but I would HATE to be wrong due to our newness at raising chickens. It helps to have other opps.
  9. bokbokbacok

    Broodiness vs Egg bound?

    Ok, I have been viewing the threads on both topics and am just wanting some confirmation on my decision. I have a mixed hen (she is my beautiful friendly "Fluffy") who I believe to be broody. However, I want to make sure she isn't egg bound. She has been sitting on her nest for 2 days, non...
  10. bokbokbacok

    Switched the pop door... The world might end!

    I still consider myself a newbie to this wonderful world of chickens but....I have been enjoying them so much! Our birds of prey have discovered the coop, run, and now I'm afraid of free ranging unless I am personally out there with them! I first discovered the nearby Hawks when the flock...
  11. bokbokbacok

    Swollen around the eye?

    Thank you all for the information that you've shared in this thread. Amazingly, the swollen eye disappeared rather quickly and no other chickens experianced any signs or symptoms. I think she may have just had an injury? All of the information has been very helpful and I value this forum very...
  12. bokbokbacok

    Swollen around the eye?

    I understand. My husband and I will make a decision tonight and I'll keep everyone updated to what progress we make. Thanks again!
  13. bokbokbacok

    Swollen around the eye?

    All of this is interesting and informative and I HIGHLY appreciate it. Is there any harm in treating both ways at the same time? I mean by treating her with the Tylan and by treating the water with Sulmet and Duramycin? The rest of the flock still seems to be symptom free. I suppose they...
  14. bokbokbacok

    Swollen around the eye?

    Her last picture is of me holding her head gently pressed so to extend her ear lobe. should I treat her?
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