Recent content by BooBooMagoo

  1. B

    Olive Egger genetics question

    I’ll be darned, she is. I always thought those were speckles like she had some speckled Sussex or Swedish flower hen in her. Thanks Moonshiner!
  2. B

    Olive Egger genetics question

    This may be an impossible question to answer given my limited knowledge of the backgrounds of the two parents in question, however I’m going to ask it. Dad is a presumed F1 OE hatched from a Blue egg. (I hatched him from shipped “rainbow” eggs.) Dad clearly has some Marans and Ameraucana...
  3. B

    Govee and Incubator 2 degrees different

    Is the Govee not a calibrated thermometer?
  4. B

    Govee and Incubator 2 degrees different

    About to start my 4th hatch with my NR360 - first 2 (one shipped, one fresh) were at factory settings (99.5) and went flawlessly. My 3rd was a hot mess. Had shipped eggs with some badly detached air cells and only had any development in 3 out of 24 - hatched 2 & both had not 100% absorbed yolk...
  5. B

    Is Milkshake a Bantam?

    Sure!!! Milkshake was not a bantam. She is still petite. She is apparently a “prairie bluebell egger” mutt chicken lol. She did grow a tail. It’s very leghorn looking. She also has a plucky leghorn personality & lays a huge blue egg every day. She is pictured the one behind the crested EE...
  6. B

    Store bought egg experiment

    Following! What breed would the trader Joe fertile eggs be? Anything specific or just random barnyard mix?
  7. B

    What breed is this pullet?

    Whatever she is…she’s very pretty!
  8. B

    Grit size for mixed age flock

    What about the fast acting calcium from changing them to all flock? Just the oyster shells or should I give them eggshells to make up for losing it in the layer feed?
  9. B

    Grit size for mixed age flock

    Thanks that will make it super easy!
  10. B

    Grit size for mixed age flock

    I’ll be integrating the littles (11ish weeks) with the bigs soon. I’ve gotten all flock 20% protein and already have grit and oyster shells free choice for the bigs but the grit is too big for the littles. Can I mix the chick grit with the bigger grit or do I need to put it in a separate...
  11. B

    EE Sexing (mostly)

    Thank you!
  12. B

    EE Sexing (mostly)

    Both of you saying wait 4 more weeks..I was laughing at my choice of difficult to sex chicks. Milkshake is attached… :)
  13. B

    EE Sexing (mostly)

    Booooo x2 lol Hey is milkshake maybe a prairie bluebell EE? Maybe she’s smaller bc of leghorn mix?
  14. B

    Is Milkshake a Bantam?

    Milkshake still has yellow legs & is growing well. Still smaller but growing at a comparable rate. Still no clue what that comb is! She’s still bossy sassy and super active!
  15. B

    EE Sexing (mostly)

    Well the EE kiddos are 8ish weeks old plus 1 SLW and whatever the heck milkshake is just gonna put in a few shots and if y’all egg-sperts could be so kind just holler if you see anyone that might cockadoodle dooo. They are mostly group shots. One of the “traditional” EE has a smidge of a...
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