Recent content by bradyaveblooms

  1. bradyaveblooms


    Hello, would anyone be interested in a 14 week old Blue Andalusian roo? His name is PengPeng and is a sweet little boy! Hand raised in a flock of all hens and very friendly!! We have older hens (10+ years old) and since we have introduced them, he is causing them stress and we would hate for...
  2. bradyaveblooms

    Eye Injury in Week Old Chick, please help!

    Ah, got it. I will definitely keep up the treatment and hope she thrives. I believe she’ll do good. Thanks again!
  3. bradyaveblooms

    Eye Injury in Week Old Chick, please help!

    Thanks so much for the advice and the hope @Roosterinthecity I really appreciate it. We call her Wink, and we would be perfectly fine if she had the outcome yours had. We are providing electrolytes daily as well, and she is gaining weight, but I noticed she does take cover if the other chicks...
  4. bradyaveblooms

    Eye Injury in Week Old Chick, please help!

    Hi @dawg53, I saw you post about taking Amoxicillin in a similar thread about a rooster whose eye was pecked. I have an almost two week old chocolate Orpington that was shipped and seems to have sustained a pecking injury. We’ve been flushing with warm sterile saline 2x a day, using a warm...
  5. bradyaveblooms

    Eye Injury in Week Old Chick, please help!

    Okay, I’ll keep you posted, thank you again for your time and help!
  6. bradyaveblooms

    Eye Injury in Week Old Chick, please help!

    I wanted to attach a couple more pictures my husband took this morning when I was doing her treatments. I’m able to move both eyelids now, however, I noticed in the corner towards her neck (2nd pic shows a close up on the top side of picture), it actually looks like the “film” or possibly skin...
  7. bradyaveblooms

    Eye Injury in Week Old Chick, please help!

    Also, from what I can see of the eyeball underneath, it looks all black, I can’t really tell if there’s an iris at all. Last night was the first night though that I could separate and move the upper eyelid to really rinse it, which she liked.
  8. bradyaveblooms

    Eye Injury in Week Old Chick, please help!

    Thank you @Eggcessive for your response. It does look like the eyeball is still in there, but looking at the first pictures it does look like there is a black “t” wound across the eyeball, unless that’s the puncture itself. I also asked Meyers if it was a birth defect, or possibly a slice when...
  9. bradyaveblooms

    Eye Injury in Week Old Chick, please help!

    I also meant to tag @Wyorp Rock as we’ve been following their advice as well and tried to follow it. Thank you so much, if you see this!
  10. bradyaveblooms

    Eye Injury in Week Old Chick, please help!

    Hi all! I’m new to BYC, however, I’ve been looking up amazing advice here since 2014. We are a family of four and like many, started with 6 chicks and ending up with 20, lol. Well, last week we received our first ever shipped chicks, 16 of them (to meet the minimum of course). We ordered...
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