Recent content by brandibaby23

  1. brandibaby23

    baby goat question

    Thank you suzie. I did find backyard herd and signed up but i have to wait to be added. Not sure when they will approve my registration.
  2. brandibaby23

    baby goat question

    Sorry for so few details I was on my phone. If there is a better place for this question please let me know. I have never had a goat before today. But it needed help and I knew I could learn fast and help her out. Here are more detail if anyone is interested. She has been away from her mother...
  3. brandibaby23

    baby goat question

    Hi i have a 10 day old pygmy goat. Its has lice, can anyone tell me the best remedy for this and dosage. She is not eating great and has a belly ache as well. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  4. brandibaby23

    wry neck questions

    I am curious about what causes wry neck? I know it is a defiecency of some kind but does any one know what the physical cause are? Is the chick "dizzy" or is it a muscle spasm? I think it looks to me like they are dizzy, like mine will hold his head straight until he lifts it up to drink/swallow...
  5. brandibaby23

    Broken leg at joint.

    I just dealt with this. Little serama roo, got a broken leg at the "elbow" it just hung there. I used the tube of a tampon and put it in the best position I could, then gauze, and vet wrapped it and left it on for about 3 weeks, checking everyday to make sure it wasn't too tight. I did keep him...
  6. brandibaby23

    Rooster with gurgling sound. Respiratory? Gape worm?

    I have one rooster who has a gurgling sound when he breathes. A small amount of nasal discharge but not real bad. He started this about 2 weeks ago I noticed a tiny noise but didn't think much of it, but today I went out and he was fluffed up just sitting there. Is face around his eyes was...
  7. Brandibaby23s Chicken Coop

    Brandibaby23s Chicken Coop

    I just got the DH (Dear Honey) and dear brother to get materials and start building today, We have gotten many things for free from generous individuals. I will be thanking them at the completion of the coop!!! I am SO EXCITED!!!! I been wanting a coop since last summer!!! All of this...
  8. brandibaby23

    Chicken with missing top beak

    She doesn't eat well, like I said her crop was completely empty today and not very full the last couple days! So I am worried leaving her outside with the rest.
  9. brandibaby23

    Chicken with missing top beak

    OK I got em!! Here she is Kermella!!!
  10. brandibaby23

    Chicken with missing top beak

    I rescued a tiny orange hen, and her top beak is almost all missing, she isn't too old I don't think. She clucks, no peeping anymore. I saw her at an auction and wanted to bring her home, she was pathetic and cute at the same time. I know that I must feed her from a deep bowl, so she can...
  11. brandibaby23

    Chicken Blood Type????????

    I was at work today and we get into talking about chickens with the guys and one of them asked me what blood type is a chicken....... idunno I have no idea, do they have a "type" I never thought about this before so I had to tell him "I don't know" it could be a good question and I would...
  12. brandibaby23

    Ha Ha I have been stumped!!

    I know I am very interested myself!! I literally thought about all day afterwards to try and come up with an answer that might make some sense. I haven't come up with anything. lol
  13. brandibaby23

    Ha Ha I have been stumped!!

    I was at work today and we get into talking about chickens with the guys and one of them asked me what blood type is a chicken....... I have no idea, do they have a "type" I never thought about this before so I had to tell him "I don't know" it could be a good question and I would look...
  14. brandibaby23

    Chicken leg issue! Help!

    Just wanted to update anyone who may have been wondering as of 2 days ago My big handsome rooster with his worthless leg, has recovered. I gave him my front porch with carpet, warm food and water and a lot of leg massaging, and petting and talking. And he is standing tall walking and running...
  15. brandibaby23

    Chicken leg issue! Help!

    I put his foot on the ground flat, like normal but when I do He acts off balance and leans forward, like he is gonna fall forward. his leg won't go completely straight.
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