Recent content by brian21

  1. brian21

    Wyandotte Silver Laced Wyandotte By Brian21

    Wyandotte Silver Laced Wyandotte Created by brian21 Breed Information, Comments, and Experience with breed: We just started raising Wyandottes SL this year. We are loving every minute of it. We've always had farm chickens but not pure bred show quality. We have learned so much already and also...
  2. Breeds


  3. brian21

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    [], [], [], [] [], [], [] [] running away from the paparazzi-litterally everytime I clicked the camera. [] Their favorite treat is wheat, so it works good since we are wheat farmers. Quote:
  4. brian21

    Question for experienced cattle people

    Quote: It might be that the calf got under the electric fence and when it tried to get back it got zapped enough times that it won't come back across, and with it shut off it's reaching through and sucking off it's mom but it's not going to crawl through because that sure hurt when it tried...
  5. brian21

    Question for experienced cattle people

    When are you supposed to be starting to calf? From when the cow was exposed to the bull to calving is 283 days. I have to wonder if she didn't shuck the calf before her due date and it wasn't fully developed, and that being said maybe a week or two before you noticed her. I've been around...
  6. brian21

    Question for experienced cattle people

    If she was that bagged up and then it went down in size something most likely is nursing on her. what else do you have running in the pasture with her? When a cow dries up after losing a calf it will take at least 3 weeks for the swelling to go down. And probably bawling for it for at least 3 days.
  7. brian21

    Showgirl breeders??

    oh forgot to add she's from ne wisconsin do a user list search for frenchtoast,
  8. brian21

    larry dye

    surely someone knows larry dye and what breeds he has, or how to reach him. Thanks!!
  9. brian21

    Showgirl breeders??

    frenchtoast just got some from her great to work with.
  10. brian21

    6 + Quality White Silkie Hatching Eggs

    Hi, we may be interested in your white silkies and your white show girls. What we wanted to know is if you would consider, that is if no one bids on your birds, if you would sell both the white silkies and white show girls together and what that would cost. We really are not interested at all...
  11. brian21

    larry dye

    does anyone know what variety's of poultry larry dye has? I know he has white wyandottes and black orfs.
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