Recent content by BrinaM

  1. BrinaM

    What’s your favorite breed? And in your opinion what’s the best?

    My favorite is the Orpington. Orpingtons do well in cold winters and they are not aggressive. Well, I’m sure they are some but I haven’t had any issues. A beautiful friendly breed.
  2. BrinaM

    Week old goat kid orphans not pooping

    We give the foals enema then flush with warm water due to vet said enema may irritate them a little and only use if have too. The foals are not hard to tell they lift tails and strain to go. Not sure about goats. The foals have the plug they call it that has to come out. I’m glad your babies...
  3. BrinaM

    Week old goat kid orphans not pooping

    I don’t really know about goats but with foals sometimes it takes more then one enema to get them unblocked. My brother in law raises goats and he uses whole milk too. Hope they are better.
  4. BrinaM

    Rooster struck at husband, now me. What can I do?

    I’ve picked mine up and carried him around for a bit several times. It helps bring their ego down a notch. They learn to Keep a little distance if they don’t want to be dominated. Worth a try.
  5. BrinaM

    Take a Guess #2

    Easter egger
  6. BrinaM

    Barred Rock chicken acting very strange

    Could be many things It may help to give her vitamins. Such as PolyC without iron or can buy Boost vitamin for poultry at TSC. Could be egg bound or vitamin deficiency or botulism Or many other diseases that have similar symptoms. Sorry, I know how frustrating the not knowing is. I had the...
  7. BrinaM

    Comment by 'BrinaM' in article 'Our version farm house coop'

    Thank you. Sorry I had forgot I had posted and today I was looking for more coop ideals and got on Byc.
  8. BrinaM

    Comment by 'BrinaM' in article 'Our version farm house coop'

    I almost had to locked myself in coop with the first latch we used. Lol. We changed it out. Thank you.
  9. Our version farm house coop

    Our version farm house coop

    Once the house was completed with a 8ft run we decided we needed a 8 by16. plenty of room for the girls and the bachelor.
  10. BrinaM

    What breed do I have here?

    Excuse The slw in the one pic. Lol
  11. BrinaM

    What breed do I have here?

    I have few more pictures now they are 5mos old. They have white toes , and bottom of feet are whiteish and their legs are dark gray/ blackish. Do you think they are Orpingtons or Austrolorpes. I have some Lavender Orpingtons now and they are fluffier feather behind.
  12. BrinaM

    Finished new run.

    Finished new run.
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