Recent content by brownlooknup

  1. brownlooknup

    Brownlooknups Member Page

    New to backyard chicken. I am married. Have two adult children and two adult step-children. Have 11 Grand children. The oldest is 17, A Girl, Kaitlynn, who lives with us. She is a sweetheart. The others are 16 to 11 months. I have 2 horses, a past race horse named Jet and a Palimino named Star...
  2. brownlooknup

    Poultry Predator Identification

    About the foxes...when we first got our chickens about 6 months ago, Something bit through the fence and bit the side our of one of our birds. Then the next night, it dug under the corner of the fence and ate 12...We had 20 and twelve had flown out into the run over the top of the gate and those...
  3. brownlooknup

    Poultry Predator Identification

    so last evening, I came home. just before dusk, and found...something had climbed the fence, got in the pen of chickens and ate the head off of "one" of my chickens. No signs...just feathers everywhere and no other chicken hurt. Any suggestions?
  4. brownlooknup

    Hello. Introducing myself

    Welcome...I am new too.I will be glad when I can post photos!!! Have a great day!
  5. brownlooknup

    New Member

    Thank you for the welcome...Looking forward to seeing all your pictures and pages...and learning more and more and more!! I love the connection with people all over the U.S., and Canada Have a Great Day!
  6. brownlooknup

    New Member

    I understand a new member can't post any images on their page..So how long before your not a new member anymore. Would like to post animal family photos with my grand-kids.
  7. brownlooknup

    Am I right to be upset?

    Yep...need a contract and if she breaks it...give her a few days to get another place to live. Been there done that...Sometimes you have to have tough love. She will be upset...but it will pass. she will survive. Have a great day!
  8. brownlooknup

    How to get Hens to lay in a Nesting Box

    Thank you for your help!!Have a great Day!
  9. brownlooknup

    How to get Hens to lay in a Nesting Box

    Thank you for your help! Will try.
  10. brownlooknup

    How to get Hens to lay in a Nesting Box

    I have 8 hens about 4 months old. We built a real nice nesting box with 8 squares and put grass/pine shavings in them, but the hens are laying on the ground. Does anyone have suggestions how to get them to lay in the nests?
  11. brownlooknup

    Chicken Pecking Problem

    I have 8 hens.Two days ago, the hens decided they don't like one of their family members and started pecking her on the head, So she is doing everything she can to get out. A friend said there is something I could paint on her head and they will stop pecking her that she used to use on her...
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