Recent content by buckeye lover

  1. B

    buckeye lays egg after a year!

    yup he got all three... 2 were traumatized n spike loved it and follows him around now! the egg is in the fridge* something definitely happened hee hee! peace out~ any idea why spike has little spurs on the back of her legs too?
  2. B

    buckeye lays egg after a year!

    thanks>>>>>>>peace out~
  3. B

    buckeye lays egg after a year!

    but they were all virgins until this guy came along! we just found it funny that after all that time somebody laid another egg! don't you think that's odd?
  4. B

    buckeye lays egg after a year!

    we just took in a rhode island red rooster... after 2 weeks 1 of our 3 buckeyes laid an egg! they are over 4 years old and haven't laid an egg in almost a year. they will be 5 in march. can anyone tell me what's going on? did the rooster make her do that? we never had roosters b4! we are...
  5. B

    does anyone know what could be wrong with my buckeyes eye?

    we just noticed it this morning. 1 good eye n 1 weird 1 fer sure...I surely hope it's not serious! Any ideas please>>> thanxs peace out~
  6. B

    hurt leg on buckeye...

    I was wondering what to do when I put this girl back outside? She's been in the house getting stronger for about 3 weeks now and it's getting quite cold out. 14 degrees 2day! Would she catch cold or get sick by just putting her right outside after being in the house at 60 degrees? I'm really...
  7. B

    Am I a crazy man with a gun?

    we also sit out with our chickens with a gun handy....sick of them being eaten by bears n coyotes and...I shot the raccoon going after an other 1 it killed! so nope...I don't think you are crazy or nuts...we just gotta protect the birds we love so much! peace out~
  8. B

    how hot can they stand?

    I am so sad 2day my lil crooked beak passed from the heat last night! We've only had her 4 months and I wanted her to grow old with us... she was a good chicken...we never got to see whether she would lay an egg or not. We miss her already* peace out~
  9. B

    worried about winter!

    crooked seems 2 be the boss of the whole group of 9! She's so funny when she doesn't want an other chicken eating her soupy stuff.... she bully's them out and goes underneath them and pushes them out the smaller chicken door we have! peace out~
  10. B

    worried about winter!

    Sorry to hear about Gladys. Crooked does have the longest tongue! It kinda of sticks out of her beak! She seems to be doing fine, she's just 1/2 the size of the others though! peace out~
  11. B

    worried about winter!

    HEE HEE* those are adorable! Does the snow stick to them? peace out~
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