Recent content by Buttercup902

  1. Buttercup902

    Hoarding hen or rodent behavior?

    So I am newer to chickens. I got my first ones in May. Of the 7 only 1 is laying and started in the last week. She has laid her egg in the boxes every time. Well a few days ago I noticed a bunch of feathers, and straw with poop moved into the box. So I dug that all out and found food...
  2. Buttercup902

    Incubating Guinea eggs

    I have about 35 that show some development. I am so excited. I have never done this before. Cant wait to see what comes out of the eggs!!
  3. Buttercup902

    Poor Fertility

    Might be the males are still fighting for dominance over females? If you have 5 females and 8 males they need to work out who gets who. I have the same problem but mine have worked it out. The males who have no females are much smaller than the dominant males. An ideal flock would have 2 - 3...
  4. Buttercup902

    Found a random Guinea Fowl

    Good luck catching it. lol You could start to try and feed it food and entice it. It will only come if it wants to.
  5. Buttercup902

    fighting male guineas

    We have 7 males and 5 females. We got them for bug control. The males are pretty aggressive with each other. I am not emotionally attached to them. I would love to keep them around but I am not keeping mine separate or making more of an effort. They are aggressive lil buggers.
  6. Buttercup902

    Pasty Butt Killing My Keets One by One

    Sounds like you did what you should have. I washed their butts once a day for about three days. After that it was fine. I also put sand as their bedding.
  7. Buttercup902

    Guinea's are 8 weeks old....process for letting them start being out?

    No chickens at this time and no run either. :( My husband lost steam building and is now travelling for work. They have the whole coop to themselves and there are 14 of them. I will wait a few more weeks. Good idea about the dogs. I think I will take the next few weeks and leash train...
  8. Buttercup902

    Guinea's are 8 weeks old....process for letting them start being out?

    ahhh....I had no idea. So when do I let them out?
  9. Buttercup902

    Guinea's are 8 weeks old....process for letting them start being out?

    So I planned on letting them start free range but I am fretful that they will leave and not come back. I have read let just a couple out at a time. How do I do this? Just leave the door open and watch? Adding my dogs to the mix is going to be the real trial. YIKES...I am nervous.
  10. Buttercup902

    Dogs vs. birds

    Amazing advice!! Thanks so much!! I will work on it!!
  11. Buttercup902

    Dogs vs. birds

    Ugh...well I hope I can do it. I dont want to have fence the birds or the dogs. Time will tell.
  12. Buttercup902

    Dogs vs. birds

    Hi all, Just checking in for ideas. I have 3 dogs ranging in age from 4 months -3 years. I also have 14, 8 week old Guinea's. It is time to start letting them free range (reason I got them is pest control) but I am nervous about the dogs. I have seen them lunge at them. I KNOW for a fact...
  13. Buttercup902

    8 week old guinea's losing thier neck feathers?

    I see you didnt get any responses but I wanted to let you know that I have almost 8 week olds and they are doing the same your post helped me! thxs
  14. Buttercup902

    Roost help

    We just added this roost for our Guinea's. They seem to love it. The problem is the poop board is also their play area. So they go down and dig around in the sand and then the ones up top poop on them or they step in the fresh poop. It is very gross. Not exactly sure if I should use wire...
  15. Buttercup902

    Very itchy Guinea (or grooming feathers a lot?)

    This morning I went down to the coop and all 14 of my Guinea were grooming, itching picking at themselves. I just went to check again and and they are all still doing it. They are eating and drinking fine. They are almost 8 weeks old. I didnt try to grab any and see closer if they have...
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