Recent content by buzymom13

  1. buzymom13

    Dust Bathing materials?

    I have been doing the sand, DE dust bathes. However I had never been asked about flour before.... Thankx guys
  2. buzymom13

    Dust Bathing materials?

    My aunt wanted to know if it is possible to use an old bag of flour? I didn't have an I'm asking you guys.? Thankx!
  3. buzymom13

    Which is Which?

    This is what some look like SLW they are about 5 wksThis is what the other half looks like...same age SLW So which is pullet/which is roo? Thankx!
  4. buzymom13

    Silver Laced Wynadotte & how to tell the difference?

    Why do I always like the hard ones?!?! LOL Oh well...... such is life!
  5. buzymom13

    Silver Laced Wynadotte & how to tell the difference?

    Went to Tractor Supply today and guess what? They have peeps already!!! They have SLW peeps...I've never had any of that breed. How do you tell when they are peeps which ones are pullets? Or is it a toss up like with Easter Eggers? Thankx for the help!!!
  6. buzymom13

    The EE braggers thread!!!

    We have some 2 yr old and some EE hens from last spring... We love the colors and the personality of these birds. We call this one "grey lady"...she's got a darker face even though she wouldn't show it... This is our 2 EE roos...Little chicken Nugget & Big Foot Jackson Handsome...
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