Recent content by ByN8ureHomstead

  1. ByN8ureHomstead

    North to Alaska!

    Hello wingedshade
  2. ByN8ureHomstead

    North to Alaska!

    This depends a lot on what breed. With Silkie you can not tell until they are crowing, Welsummer you can tell at day of hatch. What breed do you have? Oh photos help to.
  3. ByN8ureHomstead

    North to Alaska!

    Very true. Roosters seem to hang there heads down while the hens will tuck theirs under a wing.
  4. ByN8ureHomstead

    North to Alaska!

    Both the Australorps and Orpington are good breeds.
  5. ByN8ureHomstead

    Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

    It has been nice in the valley. Alaska Flock Talk & Swap
  6. ByN8ureHomstead

    North to Alaska!

    Looks like you are doing great with your chicken math. Welcome
  7. ByN8ureHomstead

    North to Alaska!

    Wise Farm Welcome to the site.
  8. ByN8ureHomstead

    North to Alaska!

    Welcome Crow Hop. This thread is not very active. Head over to
  9. ByN8ureHomstead

    North to Alaska!

    You can give you birds medicated feed up to the point of laying. You do not want to eat eggs from medicated feed, Depending on the breed and time of year Point of lay could be anywhere from 3 to 7 months. Alaskan which Facebook page are talking about?
  10. ByN8ureHomstead

    North to Alaska!

    Looking for breeders local to the valley. Looking for BBS Orpingtons and some Light Sussex.
  11. ByN8ureHomstead

    North to Alaska!

    I long for you problem, We have had maybe 5 inches this season.
  12. ByN8ureHomstead

    North to Alaska!

    I am, but I live know where near Alaska.
  13. ByN8ureHomstead


    I always enjoy seeing photos of your garden.
  14. ByN8ureHomstead


    Great Post. I wish GMO would just go away.
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