Recent content by CAChicks

  1. CAChicks

    Sick Meat Chicken

    I found two of my meat chickens lethargic, breathing heavy, eyes closed, unable to stand one was further gone then the other and has now died. The other I have separated from the group but I am not too hopeful. I have given scrambled eggs and probiotic but it doesn't want to eat or drink...
  2. CAChicks

    Help! My chicken is injured by pecking or has a disease.

    No other feather loss. We do not have a rooster either. No lice or mites. What I think happened is yesterday when I was out, the coop door accidentally closed locking about 5 chickens inside for a couple of hours. I think my mean bird took advantage of the situation not to mention she was mad to...
  3. CAChicks

    Help! My chicken is injured by pecking or has a disease.

    My 10.5 week Ameraucana is injured on her back. I think she was pecked by another older chicken in our flock unless someone knows that this is a specific disease. I am merging the new chicks in with older ones and one chicken is relentless with attacking the new ones. I keep hoping it will let...
  4. CAChicks

    How many pounds of food does a Turkey raised for meat typically eat?

    We are planning to raise some White or Bronze Breast meat Turkeys for the first time this year. I am wondering about how many pounds of feed they eat start to finish. I know Toms and Hens might be different but any rough estimate on what this endeavor might cost would be great. We are thinking...
  5. CAChicks

    Is my rooster still young enough to eat?

    Our rooster has gotten very aggressive and we plan to cull him this weekend. This will be our first time to harvest one of our birds. This rooster is about 25 weeks old. Will his meat still be good enough to eat or should he just become stock? I have heard that older hens and roosters have...
  6. Rustic Coop

    Rustic Coop

    Our Rustic Coop! When we (by we I mean my husband) set out to build our coop, there was a lot to consider about where we live. We live in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California. There is just about every predator known to chickens in our area, coyotes, bob cats, mountain lions, raccoons...
  7. CAChicks

    Golden Laced Wyandotte, Hen or Rooster?

    I am totally new to chickens. These are my first 6. I think I might have a rooster. Here are some pictures of the chicken I think is a rooster from what else I have seen on BYC. I am not sure that I want a rooster. First, I don't think I want to deal with the crowing. Second, I heard they...
  8. CAChicks

    New to Chickens and New to BYC

    First let me just say, Where have chickens been all my life??? I love them! No one ever told me how fun and cool chickens are and I am so happy to have found it out now. (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? We are our first chickens about 8 weeks ago. (2) How many...
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