Recent content by CAF

  1. C

    Switching medicated feed

    I have read the link you sent me a few times and it says the half shelf life of the medication in the feed is only a couple of hours so I was thinking if I take the birds feed away at night and introduce the new feed in the morning the levels of the original medicated feed will have dropped in...
  2. C

    Switching medicated feed

    Thanks so much that link was a great help from what I understand about synergistic the meds could interact to make a stronger medication. Not reallly sure what to do now!!!
  3. C

    Switching medicated feed

    Coxidin is one and lasalocid is the other both for coccidiosis
  4. C

    Switching medicated feed

    Hi thanks for replying the medication in the feeds I have is not amprolium it is a different two types so when I switch I imagine the medications will mix for a day or two that’s what I’m concerned about. I live in north east England and quail are not a big thing here so I struggle to get feed...
  5. C

    Switching medicated feed

    I have just hatched my first batch of quail and they are 2 weeks old now. My worry is I have them on a medicated feed with a high protein level but this is not my normal feed for the rest off my adult birds and could only get a small amount off this so will be running out soon. The other birds...
  6. C

    Hi I noticed u have posted a few times about lasalocid being safe to eat the eggs. Iv looked all...

    Hi I noticed u have posted a few times about lasalocid being safe to eat the eggs. Iv looked all over the internet and it says a lot of different things. I had big problems with coccidiosis and put my quail on a medicated feed containing lasalocid and have had no problems since but I am just so...
  7. C

    Medicated feed

    Hi I can only get a medicated feed for my quail it contains lasalocid as the active ingredient to prevent coccidiosis. I know aprolium is ok when eating the eggs but not sure about lasalocid. I have no problem feeding them a medicated feed but just need advice on this drug when I’m eating the eggs.
  8. C

    Aggressive male

    The hens are about 6 months old and the roo is about 2 months old. When I put him in three off the hens pecked at him but that has stopped now but the one hen he’s trying to single out is a softer bird and didn’t show any aggression towards him when I first put him in. Not sure if I’m correct...
  9. C

    Aggressive male

    Hi to you all I am on here again with problems. I had a group off 5 birds 1 roo and 4 hens but sadly lost the male quail so I introduced a new roo to the the hens and the male has seemed to single one of the female quail out. He constantly chases her I think to try and mate but she is having...
  10. C


    Ok great Thankyou for that. Yeah I hope there the same👍
  11. C


    Hi I got a bunch of new quail and four turned out to be roosters. Two of them are fine in with the hens but I have the other two in another hutch together just the two of them. I am getting some more hens for them but not for another 5 weeks. Will they be ok together till I get the new hens I’m...
  12. C


    Ok thanks for that I will separate her tonight and try that first. Thanks to you both
  13. C


    In my last post I explained about two of my quail fighting and the roo bird had been pecked in the eye. I followed advice and separated him for a few days but I have now put him back with the others but the hen he was fighting with has started straight back pecking him. It’s definitely the hen...
  14. C

    Damaged eye

    I only have the one roo in the set up and six hens but did notice one off the hens pecking at him before I removed him. Thanks to you both for your help I always get fast great advice on here. 👍
  15. C

    Damaged eye

    Hi I came home the other night and noticed one quail with a bleed coming from the beak area so I sorted that out but the next day I noticed the cock bird had one eye closed and a little swelling around it. The next day I separated it and cleaned the eye and managed to open it and it seemed abit...
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