Recent content by calicokat

  1. calicokat

    I think I broke a 2 day old chicks wing - help :(

    We got 30 chicks on Wednesday morning. Last night I was wiping off bottoms that were looking poopy - trying to get ahead of any pasty butt issues. As I held one I didn't realize I'd bent her wing. Once I noticed, I adjusted the way I held her, but when I put her down - that wing sticks out...
  2. calicokat

    Duane Urch ( MN) - Hatching Eggs

    Does anyone have a copy of his current price list, or a link to it? I need to order some chicks for spring. Thanks!
  3. calicokat

    Could it be bedbugs? & they're coming to Christmas - UH OH

    So, let's all fast forward a few years . . . . go ahead and put your hand up on your head and start scratching again ;) I know all of us on this thread were slackjawed at the thought of LIVING with these bugs and not really doing enough to get rid of them. None of you could believe that...
  4. calicokat

    First time hatching, humidity questions

    Thank you so much for the info! I will candle tonight and check the air cells. And I've looked up Hygrometers, and will get that going too. Thanks so much for helping me, this is our first hatch and though I thought I knew what I was doing, it looks like there's going to be a learning curve...
  5. calicokat

    First time hatching, humidity questions

    I do not have a hygrometer, does it need to be ordered online, or can I find it at a store? I have a Hovabator, and the plastic liner-thing has two shallow troughs for water, one is narrow and one is wide. The wide is supposed to be filled at lockdown in addition to the narrow. The narrow...
  6. calicokat

    First time hatching, humidity questions

    Morning all! I've set my first batch of eggs in our Styrofoam incubator with a fan and an automatic turner. Thought all was going well enough. Today I found a big problem - at the start, I filled the wrong well with water! What now? They are already at day 9 :( And how do I monitor the...
  7. calicokat

    Looking to buy a Show Quality Silver Speckled Hamburg

    There's a great breeder in Indianapolis - Dwight Morgan, Message me and I'll give you his email address Not sure where you are in Ohio in relation to Indy, but maybe close enough? Note by staff: Please do not publish someone's email address on a public forum. Thanks.
  8. calicokat

    A new obsession: Mama Cloth

    I've had the pattern printed for ages and keep wanting to try it out, I've heard all the great benefits. Yours look great!!
  9. calicokat

    Are there any services like Hospice but that come daily?

    I'm in Indiana so no help here, but feeling your pain and hoping you can find a solution that helps everyone. Sending hugs
  10. calicokat

    Hamburg with big growth in nasal cavity?

    I don't think it looks like your picture Dawg, so maybe it was food. I did think when I pulled it out that it was bright yellow like of a piece of corn or egg yolk. I didn't soften it, just caught my fingernail on a sticking up part and picked it out, and it came out with just a little effort...
  11. calicokat

    Lost our first chicken yesterday.

    Give your wife a hug from a chicken stranger, and tell her we all understand And I'm sorry for your whole family. Each bird I've lost has been hard to get over, they work their way into our hearts just like any pet. Our first loss was, like everyone else, a favorite - she was a White Crested...
  12. calicokat

    Hamburg with big growth in nasal cavity?

    Hopefully the pix help. I can take others if needed.
  13. calicokat

    Hamburg with big growth in nasal cavity?

    Nope, no odor. Will try to upload pix I just took. The first one shows a small growth still in one hen's nose. Next is the cavity left after removing one of the growths - I took it off about a week ago. It almost looks like a piece of ?? cartilage ?? maybe is poking out from the right side...
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