Recent content by Cambium29

  1. Cambium29

    What are you canning now?

    Last night, I made 12 pints of plum and ginger jam with the fruit from the plum tree in the backyard. Chokecherry jelly is next.
  2. Cambium29

    Comment by 'cambium29' in album 'The Bird House - In Progress'

    Beautiful! That's a work of art.
  3. Cambium29

    Review by '' on item 'Nankin Bantams'

    We love our Nankin hen. She's very sweet and good natured, excellent bird for beginners or kids. She comes when called, she's an excellent bug hunter, likes to sit on your lap (or head, or shoulder), and alerts the other birds to dangers. She's very broody which is either a good or bad thing...
  4. Cambium29

    Keeping Chickens entertained

    I treat my birds occassionally to a bag of live crickets. Just dump a 100 crickets on the ground and watch the madness.
  5. Cambium29

    Nearly 4 week old chicks...often shaking head

    I have a cochin who does that. She's a constant complainer and often gets a head shake in there, too, just to make her point. All the girls are healthy, no infestations nor diseases nor injuries, so I don't think it's anything more than just a habit. My other chickens don't do that so I just...
  6. Cambium29

    Will my fence be too low? Too near trees?

    Our banties flew over a 6' fence like it wasn't even there. One of our larger birds was adept at getting over it, too, although not as often. There is big oak tree over part of the yard so covering the yard with something permanent was out of the question. We bought a large piece of "bird...
  7. Cambium29

    Anyone have feeders and waterers that last for a weekend?

    We have an automatically filling water bowl. It's connected to a garden hose and has a float mechanism to fill the bowl when the level drops. We set it on the ground a bit off-kilter so that it will constantly drip thereby always providing fresh water. I know that TSC, Southern States Coop, and...
  8. Cambium29

    What treat did your chickies get today?

    A tin of sardines and a big leaf of kale.
  9. Cambium29

    Blue Heelers - Will they kill my chickens?

    Any dog could kill your chickens. Will they depends on a lot of things. Our neighbors have two blues who are very well trained. When we first put the chickens and rabbits in the outdoor pen, we brought the dogs over and had them "meet" the animals. We reinforce often that the dogs are not to...
  10. Cambium29

    URGENT: Egg-bound and in obvious distress

    Update: She didn't pass the egg. She got weaker and weaker until she couldn't stand. I had her back end sitting in warm water with her chest and head propped on a towel. Her comb and wattles were nearly purple. About 15 minutes after the original post, she let out a miserable cry then closed...
  11. Cambium29

    URGENT: Egg-bound and in obvious distress

    9 month old Nankin, has been laying eggs fine until today. Very swollen red vent, panting heavily, eyes closed, drooping tail, bright red comb and wattles, not moving much. I sat her in a warm bath, also tried masagging her abdomen. Put a bit of oil in and around her vent. It's been over an...
  12. Cambium29

    Crazy things your chickens do?

    Our three chickens and two rabbits share the same yard. Our little phoenix girl likes to chase our male rabbit and peck him for sport. She also steals food (parsley, kale) from him; she'll grab the whole bunch and drag it away as he's still chewing. She also chases wild birds, like cardinals and...
  13. Cambium29

    Chain Link Run Advice

    6' may not be high enough. Our little nankin flies over our fence like it's not even there. We'll be putting a top on the yard soon.
  14. Cambium29

    Rooster chasing children.

    If the rooster is chasing and the children run, it will just trigger a natural response for the rooster to continue the chase. What the girls need to do is stand ground and give him a swift kick to let him know who is boss. I, too, would check the school uniform theory before making soup; it may...
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