Recent content by CannedMonster

  1. CannedMonster

    What breed are you most excited to add this year?

    I love my BSLs! I have found them much hardier than the RSL in terms of reproductive issues. Mine are going on 4 years old and still lay regularly.
  2. CannedMonster

    Chicken behavior can be side splitting hilarious

    My flock gets a treat of BOSS and a little scratch every afternoon. They definitely know when we’re late! :lol: One particular hen, a red bantam Cochin called Sophie, is an absolute “Karen”. She wants to speak with the manager immediately! She has never experienced such awful service...
  3. CannedMonster

    Trader Joe’s Fertile Eggs

    I’m sure you could but I’d definitely let them come to room temperature before I gave them to a broody.
  4. CannedMonster

    Too Many Roosters.

    I love game roosters and jungle fowl. You could get another cockerel since you liked Hei Hei so much.
  5. CannedMonster

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    Finally got a pic of my Chi-chi. She was cold and feeling suspicious of me here :lol:
  6. CannedMonster

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    That’s really disappointing. I would expect better from a hatchery that’s been around as long as they have. :tongue
  7. CannedMonster

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    I’ve done it a couple of times from Meyer Hatchery. It turned out great. I lost one after two weeks but it just failed to thrive. Not a hatchery issue. I know shipped chicks need to be warmed up right away. If you could go in on an order with someone that might help because you could have more...
  8. CannedMonster

    How to manage a Rooster and be the boss?

    My favorite advice on roosters comes from @Shadrach He wrote at least one article about it if not more. I personally don’t handle cockerels as soon as I can tell that a chick is developing into one. I don’t want them to view me as part of the flock but separate. A friendly giant that brings...
  9. CannedMonster

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    I have two bantam NN hens. I got them from Dunlap Hatchery here in Idaho. I do believe they ship chicks too :jumpy:yesss:
  10. CannedMonster

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    I’ve never seen a blue-eyed chicken! Wow! :love
  11. CannedMonster

    Today I lost my Rooster

    Whatever you decide just realize that your mature hens will likely reject any other cockerel/rooster. I have found that if all my hens are over a year old I will usually raise a few pullets with the cockerel or get a mature roo and give him a few POL pullets because I know they’ll accept him. I...
  12. CannedMonster

    Nest box designs

    Covered kitty litter boxes! I have two and my hens fight over them! I want to get more because they seem to like how private they are. I just removed the door thing and put fine pine shavings in for bedding.
  13. CannedMonster

    Should we try to adopt a neighbor’s chickens?

    This!! This is exactly what I was thinking and what I’ve seen happen with others. There’s so many people keeping all kinds of poultry that think scratch is food. My friend brought chicks home from the feed store not knowing how to care for them. I think she did give them chick starter but...
  14. CannedMonster


    Hi I’m located in Emmett. There may be some local breeders of those in the area. I know there’s a guy in either Caldwell or Nampa that has offered Olive Eggers in the past that were sex-linked. He crossed Black Copper Marans roosters over Cream Legbar hens. I bought some pullet chicks from him...
  15. CannedMonster

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    This is my girl Dolly Parton aka The Pterodactyl! The “foob” (food-boob) is strong with this one :lol:
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