Recent content by Captain Carrot

  1. Captain Carrots Member Page

    Captain Carrots Member Page

    Hello and welcome to my page. I currently keep chickens and ducks. I have a breeding trio of Altsteirer, which is a rare Austrian breed. The breed almost became extint about 20 years ago, with only three cockerels and about six hens left. From these birds the breed was saved. They're a...
  2. Captain Carrot

    So tell me... What got you into chickens?

    After living in towns and cities all my life, and having little or no garden space I finally bought a house out in the countryside with a nice big piece of land... right I thought, let's get have a go at growing my own food. I was frustrated that the only chicken meat that was readily...
  3. Captain Carrot

    workday Chicken pictures 6-16

    YAY, Sausage and Gravy are famous. They've both gone broody by the way, so I should have some chicks in a week or two, and some ducklings in July (Gravy's brood).
  4. Captain Carrot

    Do you let your children watch you butcher a chicken?

    My daughter started to watch and help with the slaughter of chickens and ducks when she was about 3.5 years old. She helps me to pluck them, and sort the gizzard, liver and heart from the intestines. She said that she doesn't want to watch the meat rabbits slaughtered though. If your kids...
  5. Captain Carrot

    So we candled our duck and giant eggs...

    nice one, I hope all goes well in the bator. Good luck
  6. Captain Carrot

    New here!

    welcome to the forum. What a beautiful little hen, I would love to see more pics of the chicks when she takes them out for a stroll. Thanks for sharing
  7. Captain Carrot

    Moving coop and run?

    depending on how many chickens you have, and how big their run is, they may never eat/scratch up all the grass. I've kept chickens ans ducks in the same area for two years. The run is about 1500 square feet, I've not measured it exactly, just going off the fencing that I used. There is usually...
  8. Captain Carrot

    Moving coop and run?

    I also have two kids and am also concerned about my son (18 months) playing with any poop he finds. If you're talking about a small tractor/ark type coop then by all means move it around. I have a small ark for three bantams, they don't do much damage to the grass so I move it every 5-7 days. I...
  9. Captain Carrot

    max roost height?

    it depends on if there is enough room for them to fly back down. You don't want them smashing into walls when they make their decent. Mine will roost at 7 feet if given the chance, but they also have about 8 feet of space between roost and wall for a safe landing. My cockerel once roosted...
  10. Captain Carrot

    roosters... post pictures please!!!

    I've got three... Altsteirer, Carrot Bielefelder, Pepper and Welsummer bantam, Peck Just hoping to see if Pecks mottled breast will turn solid black as he ages
  11. Captain Carrot

    My poor Hawk :(

    I'm sorry to hear of your loss
  12. Captain Carrot

    Lest see your best stink eye!!!!

    Mrs. Fluffy Puffy : Quote: OMWord! What kind of chickens are those? ~ Aspen They are my Altsteirer hens. They're a rare Austrian breed. The cockerel is in my avatar.
  13. Captain Carrot

    lets see the chickens that ROCK:)

    Quote: Not quite, both the Amrock and Plymouth Rock are both bred from the same initial stock, so it can be said that they are both the same breed but it two types. The Plymouth was bred as a show bird at a very early stage in the breeds history, while the Amrock was bred and kept for being...
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