Recent content by carriehelene

  1. carriehelene

    BBS Big Beautiful LF Cochins 12+ ***UPDATE 16+ EGGS***

    Hey, don't be surprised to hear from me after I get my calls. All bets are off then.
  2. carriehelene

    BBS Big Beautiful LF Cochins 12+ ***UPDATE 16+ EGGS***

    Whew, it was a close thing. I alllmost bid. Congrats Jen, and thanks for saving me
  3. carriehelene

    Call Ducks....Can you please?

    I'm trying to decide on my call duck color. I'm ordering from Holderread's and don't know what color I want to choose from. One of the problems is they only have pics of a few of the colors. And when I google, I get a wide variety no matter what color Call I input, and I know darn well alot of...
  4. carriehelene

    getting ducks in the fall.. a few ignorant questions

    Thank you all for the information and help OH, and Ducks and bany Hens, I saw that thread and it came close to talking me right out of ducks Poking a duck penis back in
  5. carriehelene

    10+ Blue Laced Red Wyandottes ** UPDATE! 15+ eggs ***

    Why do I keep doing this to myself I know better than to check the auctions. I can't help myself. They're so pretty
  6. carriehelene

    12+ PURE LAVENDER Ameraucanas and possible splits

    Minion Still love that word
  7. carriehelene

    getting ducks in the fall.. a few ignorant questions

    Quote: I'm afraid I don't know what you're trying to say Do ducks do something unsavory?
  8. carriehelene

    getting ducks in the fall.. a few ignorant questions

    I'm looking at getting call ducks (2 hens 1 drake) and black indies (also 2 hens 1 drake) 1) Do ducks mate all year, or only during breeding/hatching season? In other words, are they like deer, or like chickens? 2) So if I have call ducks and black indies, can they be together all year except...
  9. carriehelene

    12+ PURE LAVENDER Ameraucanas and possible splits

    C, all men need encouragement, otherwise they get all surly lol
  10. carriehelene

    12+ PURE LAVENDER Ameraucanas and possible splits

    Quote: yeah J, you tell 'em
  11. carriehelene

    Brahma Thread

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