Recent content by Catastrophic

  1. Catastrophic

    Golden pheasants acting “drunk” and wobbly

    Sorry for responding a little late 😅, my female has gotten better I believe it was a problem with their diet in how I was not giving them sufficient protein, but I changed it and they are doing normal now. Thanks everyone 👍
  2. Catastrophic

    Golden pheasants acting “drunk” and wobbly

    All my golden pheasant hens are acting “Drunk” and wobbly. Yesterday it was one of my females acting weird but now my second female is acting all wobbly and with her wing down. What should I do and what is happening to them them? Please help!
  3. Catastrophic

    Hen with Impacted crop

    She is around 8 months old i believe, has been happening for around 3 days at this point I think because I've left them out in the grass to graze and she was vomiting a lot of grass. What should I do if I don't have any coconut oil?
  4. Catastrophic

    Hen with Impacted crop

    My Wyandotte hen has a impacted crop I can tell, and I would really appreciate any type of help in what to do to help her and prevent her from dying since I’ve had this problem previously and lost a hen. I tried massaging her but she started to vomit and I know what could kill her. Any help will...
  5. Catastrophic

    Are red golden Pheasants easier to tame?

    Everytime I've ever tethered them, mine were always supervised and didn't get hurt. But it is probably true that there is a way higher risk to them getting hurt and even hawk attacks becuase hawks in my area love to eat pheasants.
  6. Catastrophic

    Are red golden Pheasants easier to tame?

    But nowadays I just raise young pheasants and let them free range in my yard, I only put the tether to my older pheasants and the more skittish ones. Golden pheasants do not return at night and you need to Herd them back or you won't be seeing them in the morning!
  7. Catastrophic

    Are red golden Pheasants easier to tame?

    I tied the tether to some of my trees in my yard and wooden post I put in the ground for them, the tether was attached to their legs and it didn't seem to hurt them. They would only peck at the tether sometimes but I tied it strong so they couldn't escape, but not too tight of course! Didn't...
  8. Catastrophic

    Are red golden Pheasants easier to tame?

    I've used a strechabe tether attached to my golden pheasant males before in the past and it worked well for me, they could be outside in the lawn without them flying away. Never used a harness before though.
  9. Catastrophic

    Mountain Quail Chick Care Guide

    Do they eat right away after hatching like Coturnix quail or do you need to hand feed them in the first few days? I Read somewhere that you need to hand feed the chicks.
  10. Catastrophic

    Mountain Quail Chick Care Guide

    Thanks so much, this is really useful 👍
  11. Catastrophic

    Mountain Quail Chick Care Guide

    I Was planning to get some quail this spring because I hugely expanded my aviary to hold pheasants and lovebirds together and they live all in relative harmony, but I will separate them in the breeding season because I am aware that they will fight. But I was always interested in the new world...
  12. Catastrophic

    Almost all pheasant chicks dead, what to do now?

    i incubated the eggs my golden pheasant layed and had pretty good hatch rates but I messed up with the humidity levels for lockdown but around six were able to hatch. 2 of them died very fast after hatch to which i am not sure maybe exhaustion. While after they dried I took them to the incubator...
  13. Catastrophic

    Pheasant eggs?

    I would recommend like @Midnightman14 said to get a adult or juvenile pair of pheasants because incubating and raising chicks can be pretty stressful. But if you want to go for eggs I would recommend buying from local sources like craigslist which you can buy some pheasants for pretty cheap prices.
  14. Catastrophic

    Good or bad incubator?

    Thanks!!! I checked out the thread and it’s really interesting!!!
  15. Catastrophic

    Good or bad incubator?

    KEBONNIXS 12 Egg Incubator with Humidity Display, Egg Candler, Automatic Egg Turner, for Hatching Chickens: Do you guys recommend this incubator for pheasant eggs and does anyone have experience with this incubator to tell if it’s good or bad? Any recommendations for affordable incubators will...
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