
I was in my 60s and caring for my elderly mom. Our beautiful 2 acres had been a perfect lawn and flowers when my father was alive, but I am just not the sort of person who enjoys mowing, raking, putting on chemicals. So, after my father passed away, I stopped mowing and blackberries took over! We had a jungle. My mother HATED it and was close to tears one afternoon so I solved it in the sweetest way: I persuaded my mom to let us buy two wether goats! They are very conscientious workers, enthusiastic, thorough, sweet, and perfect.

From there I created a little farm with the goats, quail, rabbits, roosters, lots of hens, 3 kitties and as of a month ago, a beautiful peahen.

I love my chickens as my pets. I keep being given more and more and I recently created a "Honeymoon Coop" with two Buff Orphington broody hens and one big beautiful Rhode Island Red rooster. After a few weeks, there were 9 baby chickies! One flew up and fell into the water pitcher. So, the other eight are close to grown. I LOVE them so much!

I have people from all over the area visiting to meet my chickens, bunnies, quail, goats, and the beautiful river running past my back yard. I tell them they can pet any of those, but NOT the bees in the bee hives.
West Lnn, Oregon
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Why do you want to join our community?
Love chickens and other birds and want to share questions, comments, stories and advice from me to others and others to me.
Sales, Part Time Farmer


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