Recent content by Cbetz

  1. Cbetz

    Looking for plans similar to....

    Honestly it's not bad! We have pretty bad summers here also. I just keep mister out and keep them cool, but they have trees for shade so they aren't 100% in the sun at all times.
  2. Cbetz

    Looking for plans similar to....

    I was after the same coop, and had my hubby draw me up some rough plans. I built this coop. Here is the link.
  3. Cbetz

    Ended Coop Page Contest #6 - Win a $50 BYC Store Gift Certificate!

    Thank you so much! I am so honored!
  4. Cbetz

    Mysterious Death!

    Everyone reads but never responds. Never mind.
  5. Cbetz

    Im not 100% sure what I have!

    OK. So I buy feed from a small place up the road and when I got my babies I took them to the owner who raises chicks, ducks, rabbits etc... He held up the chicks and told me " red is a pullet, black ( at the time) was a cockerel. I showed him more recent pictures yesterday and he told me the...
  6. Cbetz

    Comment by 'Cbetz' in article 'Connie's Coop'

    Thank you! I went over budget spending around $400. Hubs doesn't know that though lol I over-built a few parts because we have bad weather here pretty often (tornados, high winds) I just didn't want it to fly across my yard in pieces and my chickens to end up in oz. haha! I had a shopping list...
  7. Cbetz

    New here from North Alabama.

    Thank you!, I'm glad to be here!
  8. Cbetz

    New here from North Alabama.

    Thank you!
  9. Cbetz

    Comment by 'Cbetz' in article 'Connie's Coop'

    Thank you! I have a feeling I will be adding to mine as well Since I now have chicken fever! They are just so fun to watch! I used a pair of big metal snips my husband had in his tool box and they worked great for me, I just took my time with the cuts. I had some goofs I had to recut. Lol...
  10. Cbetz

    Ended Coop Page Contest #6 - Win a $50 BYC Store Gift Certificate!

    Here is My coop! I'm Loving having chickens!
  11. Connie's Coop

    Connie's Coop

    I looked high and low for a coop online I could build that would be big enough without being too big. I'm new to chickens, and I have never built anything other than a bird house in high school ag class. My husband is overseas so He couldn't build it for me. I found a coop I loved and sent him...
  12. Cbetz

    New here from North Alabama.

    Thank you! So far Im finding a lot of great information!
  13. Cbetz

    Im not 100% sure what I have!

    Now I'm a bit worried. lol!
  14. Cbetz

    Im not 100% sure what I have!

    I sure hope so!
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