Recent content by cdb1949

  1. cdb1949

    Identifying breed

    Thank you so much . He is beautiful
  2. cdb1949

    Identifying breed

    Could anyone identify this chicken for me?
  3. cdb1949

    Well, it’s been 3 years since I last posted. We got 7 hens and a Roo a couple years ago. After...

    Well, it’s been 3 years since I last posted. We got 7 hens and a Roo a couple years ago. After a year something got into their run and killed every one! I am not replacing them. Too traumatic. We finally sold the coop. I am back here again to find out what breed my friend has. Hope you...
  4. cdb1949

    Buy? Or Build? Heeeeellllllppppp!!

    When we got our first one we licked up and found an already built used one. It was huge and we only paid aro $200. We broke down and re assembled onto our property and put a couple runs onto it. They had the run of the area and always came home at night. New or used, it will work if you put...
  5. cdb1949

    New flock needs a rooster

    Outside Tuscaloosa, AL
  6. cdb1949

    New flock needs a rooster

    Thank you. No rehoming in our area but will keep a look out
  7. cdb1949

    New flock needs a rooster

    We just brought home 7 Hy-Line browns home to a hen house that can house 8. We decided to add a rooster. These hens are medium in size. Should we stay with the breed or is another breed, large rooster ok to add? These girls are about the size of RI Reds
  8. cdb1949

    Comment by 'cdb1949' in article '10 Joys of Keeping Backyard Chickens.'

    Our new girls (7) are Settling well in their new home. We got Hy-Line brown hens and they began laying the day we brought them home! Noce brown eggs, M-L in size. We will have their run ready probably tomorrow and are Excited to see them checking it out! We are both excited for our new...
  9. cdb1949

    Its been 5 years!

    Its been 5 years!
  10. cdb1949

    Thinking of having chickens Again. Don’t want chicks, just hens. We have Moved to Alabama and...

    Thinking of having chickens Again. Don’t want chicks, just hens. We have Moved to Alabama and miss our girls. Not to mention the eggs. I will be back on this group more to relearn and ask my questions. I am 70 now but good health bids me to become a hen mom again!
  11. cdb1949

    Looking for hens that don't fly and are good layers

    my husband and I had hens about 4 years ago but moved to live on a military base and had to give them up. Now we are on our own property again and want to begin a new flock....hens only! Any suggestions as to breed? We had red ones who flew over the fence all the time. Our dog got 3...
  12. cdb1949

    Rooster Attacking Me

    I read another post a few months ago saying when her rooster got aggressive she picked him up and held him upside down just till he settled down. You could try this, otherwise, roast him
  13. cdb1949

    Eating the hen my dog killed

    No, he isn't infected. He is completely healed. We've never killed a chicken before but he will be our first. Decisions will be made then whether to save or dispose.
  14. cdb1949

    Eating the hen my dog killed

    No, I agree Bobbi-j, uncertain death is not a chicken we will eat. We had 2 roosters fight and one was hurt. We aren't even sure if we can eat the injured One. He healed but is deformed. His left shoulder was apparently separated and he can't fly, or run or mate. All he does is hang his head and eat
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