Recent content by cfree5

  1. cfree5

    Diagnosis & Treatment Advise

    She is eating & drinking. I am not sure if she is laying as I have 50 hen and it is hard to see who is laying or not. Thank you for the links. I am going to see about getting the poop tested.
  2. cfree5

    Diagnosis & Treatment Advise

    I have had 2 hens dies with similar symptoms as shown below. Pale comb, runny poo then they die. I have them Apple Cider Vinegar a few days ago but was out of town so just today gave them Wazine in their water Any ideas?
  3. cfree5

    Dead Chicken - Next Steps

    Not a great picture
  4. cfree5

    Dead Chicken - Next Steps

    I found a dead chicken tonight. I have been watching her as her comb was very pale, however she was running around and eating like everyone else. I checked her for mites & live but found nothing. Also I have not seen any strange droppings & she was not egg bound. Should I treat everyone for...
  5. cfree5's BROODER

    cfree5's BROODER

    Below you will see how I build my 4x8 chicken brooder. It started with 30 hens on order & some wood :) I've never really built anything before but am somewhat handy.... so far so good. A little paint... I wanted to see what it was going to look like. Traditional "Barn Red" & White trim...
  6. cfree5's COOP

    cfree5's COOP

    We received 30 chickens from Murray McMurray Hatchery on 3/7/15 I had build a nice brooder and we were all ready... thought 8 weeks was plenty of time to build the coop right? Well it snowed right after the chicks arrived so I lost maybe 2 weeks & was down to 6! Needless to day one lesson I...
  7. Chickens


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