Recent content by ChaosTheory

  1. ChaosTheory

    Chaostheorys Page

    Hi! I live in southern Ontario with my family and some of my fine feathered friends :) We started out with 7 Buff Orpington pullets, 8 Silver laced Wyandottes pullets and 3 Partridge Chantecler Roos, as well as two Embden geese and 6 Khaki Campbell ducks (4 drakes and 2 hens). We got all the...
  2. ChaosTheory

    What is this? Two ckns dropped off on our farm they dont look good

    Looks like a mix of scaly leg and possibly bumble foot; does she have a sore at the bottom of her foot at all?
  3. ChaosTheory

    Dark comb on rooster this morning PLEASE HELP!

    Does anyone have any experience with Avian Cholera? He passed away 10 minutes ago, I was with him and I'm kind of worried it was partially my fault for bugging him a lot. I lifted him up to examine him and see if anything else was wrong, and I noticed his legs were asleep (they still had...
  4. ChaosTheory

    Dark comb on rooster this morning PLEASE HELP!

    He's very lethargic, like he just wants to lay down all day, but when I come see how he's doing he's completely aware of his surroundings, watches me closely and stands up sometimes. He seems too tired to make any noises, which is strange for him, just yesterday he had a nice strong crow and...
  5. ChaosTheory

    Dark comb on rooster this morning PLEASE HELP!

    This morning I went outside to let the birds out and noticed my Roo's comb was very dark, almost purple. He was walking a little strained, went to drink water and whatnot though, still on his feet, but a little tipsy. I read somewhere that this could be heart failure? Please help, what's going...
  6. ChaosTheory

    Chicken not walking, not bumblefoot.

    Hello! I have a female buff orpington (a little over a year old) who, a few days ago, stopped walking. Instead of going around on her feet, she would crawl using the rest of her legs; she seems like she could be a little sick too. There's no discharge from her eyes or nose, and no struggling to...
  7. ChaosTheory

    Baby black runner duck - legs becoming more immobile each day-whatado?

    Sounds a little bit like niacin defiency, have you tried giving it some grass, dandelion leaves, or brewer's yeast?
  8. ChaosTheory

    NO BABIES! Day 22! :-(

    I had chicks hatch on day 26 a few days ago, so just be patient and do mess around with anything
  9. ChaosTheory

    I think our ducklings got cooked :(

    I edited my main post, there were in that hot temp for about 10 hours I'm kind of depressed about this, ugh.
  10. ChaosTheory

    I think our ducklings got cooked :(

    Has anyone ever had an experience of the temp going over 99f by 12f (around 112f) and having any chicks survive? My family thought they knew more about hatching eggs than I did, and I think they cooked our ducklings that were about to hatch. I could just cry right now... eta: they were in that...
  11. ChaosTheory

    Newest Hatchlings 4 calls and 3 pintails *PICS*

    Gorgeous babies, I'm quite jealous =]
  12. ChaosTheory

    Broody Emergency

    Thank you! It hatched! I was so worried all day because I could not be home, had to go to a meeting two hours away, and I thought the temp. would be too hot and it would get cooked. I did not expect to find a chick when we got home, but I did =] I'll take some pictures soon and put them on. I'm...
  13. ChaosTheory

    Can chicks eat duck starter?

    We are hatching out some ducklings and chicks. Last year when we had babies, we got unmedicated chick starter. This year we got duck starter on accident, can the chicks eat it or is it too much protein or...? Thanks!
  14. ChaosTheory

    Broody Emergency

    Another chick is trying to hatch! A chicken and not a duckling yet! on day 26! WOO? She's still under the momma, we plan on taking it away when it's done hatching. I wish I could get some sleep instead of being up for this though, ugh.
  15. ChaosTheory

    Hatching Disaster - please advise!!!

    Not yet, we still might get some ducklings (maybe even chicks, considering we weren't expecting them to hatch at all, and one pipped today, only to be partially eaten <_<). As soon as they pip we're planning on taking them away from mom. This is so sad, I really wanted to let her be the one to...
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