Recent content by ChcknGrl

  1. ChcknGrl

    Guess: The ultimate trick

    These are some really hard questions: Answer them like this(For excample) 1. Indiana 2. Barbara 3. Cecile How many chickens do I have? 6 18 23 100 Do I name all of my chickens? Yes No Do I have a favorite chicken? Yes, Bluebell and Buttercup No, I love them all I love Comet...
  2. ChcknGrl

    Chicken feed question

    Thanks for the help!:)
  3. ChcknGrl

    Help with Pets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Pandapaws, Yes the ones in the wild are great!!! I see them sometimes and they are healthy, happy, and had 2 kittens(That r 4 months or more) plus the dogs can't get them because they r 2 smart and quick
  4. ChcknGrl

    Help with Pets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you chickerdoodle!:) We might be able to get an inside cat and TOTALLY separate it from the dogs
  5. ChcknGrl

    Help with Pets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for the advice
  6. ChcknGrl

    Help with Pets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh, Well actually my best friend's cat hangs around the chickens!:) Unbelievable but true.
  7. ChcknGrl

    Chicken Names- whats your chickens name?

    Here are a few cool chicken name Ideas Bluebell Buttercup Lady Ms.Jane Aubrey
  8. ChcknGrl

    Chicken feed question

    Does it matter what brand of feed I get my chickens? On here I see advertisments for Nutrena Poultry feed. Is it more expensive? Better than the kind I get at a local farm store? Is it healthier? Or does it matter what kind of feed I get? When y'all comment please tell me brands of chicken...
  9. ChcknGrl

    Help with Pets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I wanna get a cat. I have had cats before and still have 2 that run wild. But I don't want my 4 dogs to kill a tame cat. The 2 wild ones aren't around the house as much, so the dogs can't get them. + We have chickens! How do I get the cat good with chickens? We have had a cat that sticks around...
  10. ChcknGrl

    This or that. What do you prefer?

    Which Chicken company do you prefer?
  11. ChcknGrl

    What do YOU know about cures or injuries?

    Here is a Quiz. It's called "Watta u know for cures?"
  12. ChcknGrl

    What do YOU know about cures or injuries?

    Here is a Quiz. It's called "Watta u know for cures?"
  13. ChcknGrl

    What do YOU know about cures or injuries?

    Here is a Quiz. It's called "Watta u know for cures?"
  14. ChcknGrl

    What do YOU know about cures or injuries?

    Here is a Quiz. It's called "Watta u know for cures?"
  15. ChcknGrl

    Poll fun!:)

    I have 4 other siblings
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