Recent content by Cheekimama

  1. C

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Unfortunately, the last 2 weeks have been slammed and nasty from rain, so I didn't make the deadline for pics 🥺
  2. C

    Puppy Pictures!

    Thank you!! I'm thoroughly smitten!!
  3. C

    Puppy Pictures!

    These are my Aussie pups. They'll be 7 months old on the 17th. Sandy is mostly white and is deaf, Sophie has the most Merle coloring. They are too smart for their own but loveable as can be!!!
  4. C

    So exciting, I have an EGG!!

    Congratulations!! My hens got their first egg a couple weeks ago and the others are now joining in!! 😊
  5. C

    My Buff Orps are not friendly but not mean

    I've had my buffs since 4 days old and they do the same, they are skittish and uncomfortable with me picking them up, but I just continue doing it in the hopes they'll become more accustomed as they age. I have rhode island reds, bard rocks, easter eggers, but the all have their different levels...
  6. C

    So exciting, I have an EGG!!

    That's what I have, straw in the nesting boxes only, and I put ceramic eggs in. The hens must like it cause, they've started laying. Although I do have one hen laying outside the nesting boxes and under the main perch, ugh
  7. C

    Feeding Wild Birds

    They poo as well theres a chance i would guess..but my feeder is rarely touched now. They've moved on.
  8. C

    Chicks gorging on grit

    I can relate with your worry..thats one of the reasons I love this site..just can't know for sure if you're doing it right unless it goes🤔🙃🐤🐣❤️
  9. C

    New chick Mama

    Hello!! And Thank you!! Loving my new chicken life and appreciating all the info found here!!
  10. C

    Comment by 'Cheekimama' in article 'Using Deep Bedding in a Small Coop'

    Lots of good information, thank you!! Points out things I've been doing wrong. Question, how do you "encourage " the chickens to work through the bedding?
  11. C

    Hello again.

    Thank you and steal away!
  12. C

    Introducing myself

    Welcome!! Wow, quite an ambition, to be missionaries. I couldnt imagine all that that entails. My guess on your crew left to right, Buff Orpington, (in back) Black Astrolorp, no idea on the roo, front, possibly Speckled Sussex, black astrolorp, back, white leghorn?, 2 orpington's, and front...
  13. C

    Hello again.

    Welcome back!! Lots of interesting info!! I'm fairly new to both chickens and this site, so 14 years, wow! I have 13 pullets, and 2 roosters(?) Only 2 are named so far, Startle, is my smallest easter egger, because she is quick to dash away and Lovey, one of my Rhode Island Reds, that doesn't...
  14. C

    Hello!! My name is Sandra and I’m in NY . We have chickens for 2 years and we love them . 6 girls and one Rooster named Gugu! Nice to meet you all.

    Welcome!! I am fairly new to this site as well, and in Florida...but yeah, lots of helpful info!!
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