Recent content by Chef JimmyJ

  1. Chef JimmyJ

    I caught a snake, I need names!!!

    Snakes are pretty cool. But the Late, Pastor Coots and the Snake Handlers, are a whole different kind of Crazy!...JJ
  2. Chef JimmyJ

    I caught a snake, I need names!!!

    My youngest daughter had a Ball Python named Severus Snake, a play on the Harry Potter character. Me, I would go with... Don " The Snake " Prudhomme! One of the fastest and most famous Funny Car Drivers of the 70's and 80's...JJ
  3. Chef JimmyJ

    Roosting rod necessary?

    I have a different experience than some here. I had two, 4 month old injured and recovering Jersey Giants that slept in our Bedroom. One perched on a small shelf on our Headboard and her sister perched on my Ribcage all night! When I got up to use the bathroom, she would climb up my back and sit...
  4. Chef JimmyJ

    Chicken purse

    Oh Fudge! I don't have a Thing to wear with that. Guess I'll have to pass. You Girls are sooo Lucky!...JJ :barnie BTW...At first read, I thought " Adorbs " was the Brand Name...:lau
  5. Chef JimmyJ

    White spots on comb??

    It's hard to tell texture, height off the comb and if it is IN the comb or just on the surface. Does washing with a little Soap and Water do anything. Any more detail you can give would be helpful...JJ
  6. Chef JimmyJ

    Owl Attack -Missing large patch of skin (size of quarter) on head. Help.

    Had a girl with a very similar wound. Took just over 4 weeks but the hole is closed and the feathers are completely restored. She and another with a healed tail wound. Are in the Hospital Coop, in the run where they can see and be seen by the others. As soon as some Cockerels are re-homed, we...
  7. Chef JimmyJ

    Chicken throws leaves on its back!

    Come on now! She carried that Egg for 24 hours, it's Hot, there was a Line at the Nest Box, and she's not feeling her Perky Best... Can you blame a Girl for wanting to look Nice before she goes back to the Flock?!?:confused:...JJ :)
  8. Chef JimmyJ

    Feeding Fodder

    Fodder is not unlike the birds Free Ranging and eating Grass. Is Grass Nutritionally complete? Nope. So the birds still need their Feed to provide what Wheat, Barley or other grain Fodder lacks. My plan is to only supplement their regular Feed, with Fodder from November to March, the Months in...
  9. Chef JimmyJ

    Why is she perching here??

    I don't think anything has to be wrong, other than she changed her mind about where to perch, so far just one night. I have a recovering pullet in our house that for most of 2 week slept perched on my left side Rib Cage, covered with a towel. Out of the blue, she spent 3 nights perched on a...
  10. Chef JimmyJ

    Night time

    We feed and water in the Run. Keeps the mess down. From observation, once the birds Roost and settle in, they don't get up to eat or drink until morning. Feeding in the Run let's you get your act together before you open the door to the MAD RUSH! My wife will take her time filling the feeder...
  11. Chef JimmyJ

    Rooster attack!

    Totally agree with above. As young girls, if one of my three fell, or the Dog knocked them down around me, I gave no more reaction than to look up to verify nothing obviously Broken or Bleeding. The girls would get up, brush off and move on. BUT, If Mom or Grandma, was around and gave the...
  12. Chef JimmyJ

    Electric poultry netting

    If you have predator control, Tenax Deer Fence may be of help. 6 and 7.5" Polypropylene Fence will do a better job of keeping Flyers in, but a determined Escape Artist is still likely to find a way. I have had great service from Deer Busters...JJ
  13. Chef JimmyJ

    where to put the food

    Food and water IN the Coop is very likely going to require Daily Clean out and bedding replacement in the coop. Ducks can be some messy critters. We put food and water in the Run. The Run, being more spacious, can likely take more abuse before you need to clean it. Word of Caution...It is a...
  14. Chef JimmyJ

    Rooster attack!

    Sorry to here that. We have a Zero Tolerance Policy for animals or pets that draw blood on children. Our 9 year old, beloved cat, bit our babies face when the baby tried to pet her. 2 hours later that cat was at the ASPCA. In your case, Chicken Soup comes to mind. Coq Au Vin is a Classic for an...
  15. Chef JimmyJ

    Piscataway NJ 08854 Poultry Ordinance Question

    The Township said No 4 years ago but things may have changed. I moved to Rural PA and can raise any animal that won't Kill people if it escapes...JJ
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