Recent content by chickDgnr8

  1. C

    HELP! BO with yolkless slimy egg!!

    New to chickens myself. My flock is only 14 weeks old. Just trying to understand and learn. Are you able to take her to a veterinarian?
  2. C

    Current Social Media Chicken Feed Craze - posted testing results

    Would nicarbazin cause this? I posted another thread a week ago on what looked like a yolkless egg in the run. Back then i wasnt sure it was my favorite hen Ginger. I bought cacium citrate with d3 pills and have been giving them to her daily. I checked on her tonight and right below her roost...
  3. C

    HELP! BO with yolkless slimy egg!!

    Mmmm, do you know much about Nicarbazin? I've only just read about it this week, but it looks like it's an anticoccidial in chickens that's also used for population control in Canadian geese and pigeons through "contraceptive corn". Not sure if anyone's used it for population control in chickens...
  4. C

    Current Social Media Chicken Feed Craze - posted testing results Reading this, I don't think mycotoxins would slow or stop egg production but make the birds sick or die. Might take a while to see the effects. No one has commented on sick birds.
  5. C

    Current Social Media Chicken Feed Craze - posted testing results

    My point is (I don't know anything I am learning) asking questions to get answers. Sorry I didn't put your birth control points all together.
  6. C

    Current Social Media Chicken Feed Craze - posted testing results

    Good job, Thanks! "OvoControl-G® 2500 ppm nicarbazin bait is recommended for incorporation into a comprehensive management plan as a reproductive inhibitor for use in controlling resident Canada goose flock sizes." Quoted from the Abstract. Bait as in food, not implants. If nicarbazin effects...
  7. C

    Current Social Media Chicken Feed Craze - posted testing results

    "steroid hormone drugs are typically formulated as pellets" Forth paragraph down on this page: If they can use steroids and hormones to boost growth can they make...
  8. C

    Current Social Media Chicken Feed Craze - posted testing results

    Are folks going to search for "Media Chicken Feed Craze" or "Chicken Feed Lab Test Results"
  9. C

    I'm Sending Feed to be Analyzed

    Candace Owens reports on the "Eggsiracy". Read the comments. Many examples given. Also shows that young lady in TX that I posted about earlier in this thread. I think something is added to the feed not the amount of protein or nutrients.
  10. C

    Current Social Media Chicken Feed Craze - posted testing results

    Not sure about the title. It doesn't seem relevant to show, explain or debate Chicken Feed Lab results. Maybe to misleading down the road to conspiracy theory, but whatever you think should work.
  11. C

    I'm Sending Feed to be Analyzed

    Sorry, Not vegetarians, Gretta Thornburg, World Economic Forum (WEF), New World Order (NWO), John Kerry, Al Gore, the UN Thedros, all these people pushing Climate Change. Getting rid of Fossil Fuel, natural gas and our cook stoves. My town announced earlier this week, No More Gas Stoves by 2025...
  12. C

    I'm Sending Feed to be Analyzed

    Thank you. Just throwing ideas out there to see what sticks and if someone can set me straight as to what is really going on. I heard about the Romans salting fields from from a very smart friend of mine who said he learned it in school. I believed it and always remembered it. Wondered why I was...
  13. C

    I'm Sending Feed to be Analyzed

    They are trying to get EVERYONE to stop eating meat because cows fart and create methane which contributes to "Global Warming" oh my bad, "Climate Change". I wonder who is going to eat grass and if the worlds population can be supported by vegetation alone. Out here in the west it is very dry...
  14. C

    I'm Sending Feed to be Analyzed

    Have you been following the "Twitter File Dumps"? Congressional hearings? Twitter, FB, Instagram, Google working with FBI to suppress information by out spoken Doctors and Nurses about C-19? Blatant violation of First Amendment (which is enforced by the Second). Suing is their "LawFare" defense...
  15. C

    I'm Sending Feed to be Analyzed

    I think I'll go back to watching "Never Name a Duck" - I just "DuckDuckGo"ed "What feed additive would reduce chicken egg production?" top returns "Fact Checkers" (bad sign) scrolled down found this from "The Gateway Pundit"...
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