Recent content by Chickenbesties

  1. C

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Hello. I have unfortunately had alot of issues with my chickens. From them getting sick and dying, to a coyote coming in and taking 6 of them, to more getting sick and dying. I am now down to 9 hens 1 rooster. My flock has mareks so I cannot have anymore chickens which I am very sad about. I had...
  2. C

    Day 23

    I did leave them in till this morning and nothing happened. No pip or chirping and no hatch. 😞
  3. C

    Day 23

    Yes I started them on Friday March 3rd. So the 21 days would be Friday March 24th. I will wait another day and see what happens. Thank you.
  4. C

    Day 23

    No I don't.
  5. C

    Day 23

    It's day 23 on my cochin eggs. 4 have hatched 2 of the eggs still look like they could hatch but no pip. They are dark with the air sack on bottom and I do see veins along the bottom where it meets the air sac. Are they still alive? How long should I leave them in there before I give up?
  6. C


    Okay thank you I will try this.
  7. C


    Pyrethrin insecticide powder? It's the only thing that comes up for that.
  8. C


    They free range in the day and are in a large coop at night. The bedding is straw. I live in canada and from googling what to do with lice the only thing I could get without a vet is diatomaceous earth food grade. I rubbed it under their wings outside and then did that again 10 days later. I...
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    Thank you, I have tried to get rid of the lice but they just come right back. Not sure what to do.
  10. C


    The birds are not unwell, I just have a bunch of roosters but unfortunately my whole flock has lice and I can't seem to get rid of it.
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    Is it safe to eat chickens that have lice?
  12. C


    I am in ontario, Canada.
  13. C


    Okay, thank you so much. When she does pass I will get a necropsy and share the photos here.
  14. C


    As an update for this morning, she seems to be more timid this morning. She is still walking around and eating and drinking. But not perky like she has been. More slow moving. Still no other symptoms besides that.
  15. C


    I will have to do some more research on lymphoid leucosis. But is this something that is going to affect my whole flock? Will it ever go away? Can I hatch new chickens or bring new chickens in or will they all be affected as well?
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