Recent content by Chickencrossings23

  1. C

    Barred Rock Rooster and Leghorn Hen cross

    I wanted to show everyone pictures of my Lemon Swiss who is a cross from a Barred Rock Rooster and a Leghorn hen. she mostly looks like a leghorn but has some black patches. In my research I discovered they call them California whites sometimes.
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    3 day old chick with swollen belly

    Wondering how your chick is doing now? I have a new hatch that looks similar, I'm not sure what to do with her?
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    First Hatch- one assisted hatch- not sure what to do next!! need advice!

    Hello all!! To summarize- first hatch, 9 eggs, three hatched on days 19-21. On day 22 another pipped but seemed to be stuck on day 23. I decided to do an assisted hatch after research. The chick is still alive, but has somewhat of a rotten egg smell. I'm leaving her in the incubator to warm...
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    Chicken wobbly, falling down, no coordination

    My 6 week old buff orphington all of a sudden is very wobbly, falling down when walking, and basically uncoordinated. She has been on medicated feed since birth. She has been eating and drinking, I've been giving here vitamin B complex in the water. Does anyone have any idea or suggestions on...
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    Chicken Crossings Southern Virginia New to Chickens

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Hello, yes I am brand new to chickens. I have always wanted to get some, and I FINALLY convinced my husband to say okay!! LOL (2) How many chickens do you have right now? My first batch of 18 chicks hatched on June 5, 2023, so...
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