Recent content by Chickending

  1. Chickending

    Question on Cornish X and green meat?

    it is a green color though, real green, I was just wondering if maybe a bile sac or something got cut in the butchering process.
  2. Chickending

    Question on Cornish X and green meat?

    I have noticed on a few of the ones I have cooked that a strip of green colored meat is right next to the breast bone inside and I mean the meat attached right to the breast bone. It just ends too doesn't streak through the meat. Does anyone know where this comes from? These were processed by...
  3. Chickending

    Safety w/Water Heater?

    All I can say is that I put mine on cement bricks. To not only rise the waterer up so that they do not get shavings in the water, keeps it cleaner that way but also for fire precaution. I figured it was smarter to have it on a non flammable service. I think it says on the box to put on a...
  4. Chickending

    Alfalfa Cubes for Chickens? UPDATE

    I use the alfalfa pellets and add water to them. My chickens love them. I just add water so it losens them up a bit and bam they love them. For chickens in Minnesota who don't get as much greens it is a good substitue for green grass they get in summer.
  5. Chickending

    Managing your chicken business

    I have created my own excel spreadsheets, I enter my costs, how many eggs I collect and sell, the meat birds everything is tracked and the formulas are entered in excel so it does all the calculations. That is what I do.
  6. Chickending

    Cornish X - Pullets or Males?

    Yes I do keep track of feed ratio, it ends up about 3lbs too. The price of corn was up this year so that did affect it.
  7. Chickending

    Cornish X - Pullets or Males?

    Wow, That is a great price for processing. I pay 2 dollars a bird for mine and still make a profit when I sell my extras. I keep about 20-30 birds and sell the rest and it ends up paying all my costs for the raising and with a bit of a profit too. What I have found out for myself is from...
  8. Chickending

    Cornish X - Pullets or Males?

    I raise mine for approx. 9-10 weeks. I have found that the best timing for me. I fed mine 3 x a day as that is how it ends up. I will fill up their feeders and I have like 4 of them for 90 chickens. When its empty I fill them up, so it ended up being like 3 times a day to be fed. I also put...
  9. Chickending

    Cornish X - Pullets or Males?

    I have a different experience, I have done three large batches of meat birds in the last year and half, I did all pullets the first and third and in the middle I did a straight run batch. Personally I will only do pullets again. I take mine to a processor so I do not have the luxury of doing...
  10. Chickending

    Many people getting lay-offs yet?

    I found out my job was being eliminated at the end of July, I was offered a temporary postion that will take me to December and then I will be laid off. I have a decent package though that will take me with income into end of February. I am one of the lucky ones though....Not many people have...
  11. Chickending


    What many people don't realize is that most speeches are written by other people. I think I read in an article that 80 - 90% of political speeches are written by "speech writers". so to concentrate on who wrote her speech, anyone can write a speech its who and how its delivered. I also heard...
  12. Chickending

    Eggs when you have a Roo

    I agree, I have chickens just for eggs and I have roosters too, as long as you collect and refrigerate daily there is no difference taste wise. I use them for my own family and sell the eggs.
  13. Chickending

    Another dog post - with a final ring.

    come on Dave, cute little fuzzy butts..... I used to have this great electic fence from when I had horses and breeding stallions...could knock you on your butt. the "hounds from hell" will surely get new meanings to the word when they encounter that one.
  14. Chickending

    I think the "Old Way" is making a come-back!

    The butcher processes the steer. We pay for the processing and at the end of the year we should be evened up. Our cost is about 1000 for the whole steer. I charge $2 a pound for the chickens and $ 2.50 a doz for the eggs, the rate we are going we are not going to have to pay anything for the...
  15. Chickending

    I think the "Old Way" is making a come-back!

    I have a barter system with the farmer down the street, he gives us one beef steer a year and we give him the equivilant in eggs and chickens for the year. I raise over a hundred cornish for him and he has a never ending supply of eggs in exchange. How is that for a deal!
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