Recent content by ChickenLady♡

  1. ChickenLady♡

    June Hatch A Long

    Yes. I hatched 6 easter eggers and got 5 pullets and one cockerel. At least two are laying (1st one at 19 weeks) and I'm getting some teeny green eggs :ya Oh ... and mama went broody again and has just hatched 6 adorable bantam pekins a week ago!!
  2. ChickenLady♡

    It's HATCHDAY today!!

    Don't you just love it, you could never get tired of this. My broody has hatched at least 5 out of 7 but she is still sitting tight so there may be more to come. They are the most adorable teeny things - dad is a standard cochin and mum(s) are a variety of bantam pekins. It looks like there's...
  3. ChickenLady♡

    Who's had hatches with all or mostly pullets?

    I had 5 pullets from 6 hatchlings in my first hatch under a broody hen. It was in winter though, so I wondered if that made a difference. I have my second hatch due in 2 days (under the same broody) so we'll see what we get! :fl
  4. ChickenLady♡

    Silly question - BCM

    Thanks for the replies. I'm not sure of their genetics so will be a wait and see.:confused:
  5. ChickenLady♡

    Silly question - BCM

    This might be a silly question but will a BCM X BCM produce only (black) BCM chicks? I have some eggs under my broody from a BCM roo and either a BCM hen or a cuckoo hen. Obviously, I can't be sure which egg came from which hen (I got them from a friend). I know that a BCM X cuckoo will give...
  6. ChickenLady♡

    Egg moved?

    I have a standard size broody on a dozen bantam eggs. She is on Day 4 and is sitting tight. Today was the first day I had any evidence she has got off the nest by the first broody poop I've seen. Unfortunately I also found a broken (empty) egg near the poop and a fair way away from the nest. She...
  7. ChickenLady♡

    "Weaning" baby chicks

    My chicks are almost 10 weeks old and neither they nor mama look like they are ready to go their own ways. Mama still takes them all to bed in a tiny temporary brooder even though they've all investigated the normal coop and rests. This is mama's first hatch - I'm guessing she'll eventually...
  8. ChickenLady♡

    Australorp Temperament Toward Humans?

    I have a splash australorp (Australia) who is a gorgeous sweet girl and doesn't mind being picked up or held. I don't think many chickens really chose to be picked up (I'm sure it doesn't feel natural to them) but I think the point is whether or not they chose to spend time with you and don't...
  9. ChickenLady♡

    The Authentic Scavenger Hunt

    My broody mama just hatched these gorgeous babies... Next hunt: a cuckoo chick
  10. ChickenLady♡

    June Hatch A Long

    Yes, me! I ended up with 6 strong healthy babies (now 1 week old) from an original set of 10 eggs. One was infertile (undeveloped), one egg didn't pip and two died in the egg. One was almost out (fully zipped) but i think mum left the nest before it could get out and it died from exposure/cold...
  11. ChickenLady♡

    June Hatch A Long

    Thanks, great advice.
  12. ChickenLady♡

    June Hatch A Long

    Thanks, I'm thinking much the same thing. I let them into the bottom half today for a few hours. Mum tried to walk them down several times without luck but after she went up and down about 10 times (!) they followed her down. They had no idea how to get up though so I had to scramble around in...
  13. ChickenLady♡

    June Hatch A Long

    Ok I am now a new chicken grandma and I have a question. My broody and her 6 chicks are in a SMALL coop inside the main chicken run where they can see the other chickens and the other chickens can see them ... and boy, have they been interested in these little cheeping babies. How long should I...
  14. ChickenLady♡

    June Hatch A Long

    My final count was 6 (out of 10 eggs set). One was infertile with no development and removed at day 16; the remaining 9 were left with mum and 6 hatched yesterday. She was still sitting eeal tight so i had great hopes for the remaining ones but this morning she had moved off the nest - there was...
  15. ChickenLady♡

    June Hatch A Long

    I know, too cute. But she does look quite proud of herself.
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