Recent content by chickenlady

  1. chickenlady

    Frost Bite On Comb... What To Do

    Can you describe their living conditions? Sounds as though the coop may not be winterized properly. What are they roosting on? You need to make sure it is wide enough that their feet are fully open so their feathers and body can cover them. Sounds like you may have a moisture/ventilation...
  2. chickenlady

    Serious decrease in egg production after new birds introduced

    Stress will do that!! Give them 2-3 weeks.
  3. chickenlady

    Freezer Camp For The Whole Flock!!!!!!!!!

    Boy ChickenGeorge, you really got everyone going here, lol. You dont even need to be on here and the readers take it thru pages and pages of everyone getting each other worked up . I understand your frustrations here, so do many others. Maybe you could give us the specifics of your...
  4. chickenlady

    Free range in does it work or does it?

    Mine wont go out if they see snow. maybe for a minute or two but thats it. Then they watch from their run.
  5. chickenlady

    How long have they been out there?

    What kittymomma said. Thats the only way to accurately determine if it is good or not. Chances are they are all just fine.
  6. chickenlady

    OK, incredibly weird, hypothetical question here...

    Guess it would end up in the diaper.
  7. chickenlady

    YUCCKKKYYYY!!! and a ?

    That is very true! There have been studies which prove that smell is actually MORE important than actual taste is to our perception of food. Good argument, indeed. wink I dated a guy for a while that had lost his sense of taste due to a head injury (car accident) it was so sad, he couldn't...
  8. chickenlady

    Cochins and Bantams

    What should I expect out of each breed? Whatever kinds of chickens I get will each have their own grassy area as well as their own dog houses. Which is better for eggs? Non flying? etc. A bantam is not a breed. A bantam is a smaller size bird. There are many breeds that are bantam. There are...
  9. chickenlady

    Help Needed fast

    There is no need to panic. As stated before, you need to take food away and check it in the morning. A full crop(the bump on her chest) should go down by morning. Before you do anything, you need to figure out if there really is a problem. There is nothing to do until then. Every new...
  10. chickenlady

    Help Needed fast

    Check it first thing in the morning before she has eaten anything. It sounds as though you are looking at her crop, which fills as they eat. Take all food away tonight so you can properly check in the morning, it should be gone by then.
  11. chickenlady

    What Color Cochin Would You Call This

    The silver/yellow belly ones look like blues for sure.
  12. chickenlady

    Advice - parasites or disease?

    I would definitely worm him ASAP. You mentioned shrunken comb and wattles. I believe that is a symptom of Lymphoid Leukosis which has no treatment available. The only thing that doesnt fit with that is usually you will see an enlarged abdomen. There are so many different illnesses that...
  13. chickenlady

    UPDATE!!!!!! Help 6 month old chickens and still no eggs!

    Not every chicken will lay by 6 months old. I have no idea where you live but light availability and temperature may be playing a part.
  14. chickenlady

    Cochin Contest Ends RESULTS HERE Post 1.

    I have some standards for you: Here is my favorite, sadly he passed away. This is him at about 5-6 months old. JR. Here is Thunder about a year old. Charlotte about a year old. Bandikoot about 7 months old.
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