Recent content by ChickenMorals

  1. ChickenMorals

    Solved GoFundMe

    Thank you! I won't post it then :)
  2. ChickenMorals

    Solved GoFundMe

    Are we allowed to post links to a GoFundMe here? I looked and couldn't find anything against it. I'm trying to raise money for my chickens but I'm not sure if this website allows you to do this.
  3. ChickenMorals

    dying hen- help!

    It's ultimately not up to me to be able to get her to a vet. These aren't even my chickens, and the school, the person who put the coop together, and the teachers all had to be convinced by me to let me take her. I paid for this out of pocket, as the school didnt help with the costs, and it took...
  4. ChickenMorals

    dying hen- help!

    She had to be put down. They did a necropsy and found 15 cm of something (compressed plant fibers or plastic) balled up in her crop. They also found her crop was rotting from the inside out, and her intestines were full of thick grey fluid. They're not sure if the bacterial crop infection or the...
  5. ChickenMorals

    dying hen- help!

    I went out to check on her and blood was running down her face. I couldn't really find a noticeable mark on her comb, but it was coming from the comb. I don't know if she was pecked by another chicken or what, but it's bleeding. They are the chickens at my school. I can't do much except take...
  6. ChickenMorals

    dying hen- help!

    I made a post a while ago about a hen with a nearly purple comb and drooling. Over break, she seemed to be getting better, now she has a pure white comb that is dribbling blood, she cant stand, and she weighs almost nothing. She is refusing to eat or drink, but it isn't sour crop. Her whole face...
  7. ChickenMorals

    sick chicken! help

    She is only two years old. I will check the rest of these things as soon as I can.
  8. ChickenMorals

    sick chicken! help

    I work with the chickens at my school. Today, I noticed that a hen has a nearly violet colored comb, is lethargic, and when she got picked up, a ton of drool came out of her beak. These symptoms seem to have appeared suddenly, what could be the cause? I'll attach a picture of her ASAP
  9. ChickenMorals

    people harassing my chickens

    A message was sent out, a lock was put in place, and a notice has been stapled to the coop. Except right before all this protection happened, someone threw a chicken onto the roof of the greenhouse. This is animal abuse and I'm very angry.
  10. ChickenMorals

    people harassing my chickens

    Also, they're not my chickens! The school randomly decided to bring them in a few years ago with NO preparation. If worst comes to worst, my neighbors can take them home. I already have a full house with 7 animals!
  11. ChickenMorals

    people harassing my chickens

    UPDATE: We're working on setting up a camera. All staff has been spoken to, and all homerooms have gotten a stern talking-to. The door is padlocked, and there's a sign up. This makes me so frustrated :/ On the bright side, this winter we're going to try and raise money to expand the coop and get...
  12. ChickenMorals

    green diarrhea

    I added a lock to their coop door, and a sign that says: Please leave the chickens alone! -Don’t poke them with sticks, they don’t like it. -Don’t feed them weird food. It makes them sick. -Don’t let them out unless you have permission from Tyler. -Don’t go in their coop unless you have...
  13. ChickenMorals

    people harassing my chickens

    Printed and laminated a sign that reads: Please leave the chickens alone! -Don’t poke them with sticks, they don’t like it. -Don’t feed them weird food. It makes them sick. -Don’t let them out unless you have permission from a teacher. -Don’t go in their coop unless you have permission...
  14. ChickenMorals

    green diarrhea

    Can you post some photos of the chickens, the poop, their housing/environment and the feed (label/bag) you are using? Honestly, I would but some kids stole the entire feed bag yesterday! More is arriving tomorrow. I'll try to get photos of the poop. Their coop is around 8 feet by 10 feet, and...
  15. ChickenMorals

    people harassing my chickens

    I care for a flock of chickens at school. I love them dearly, but recently, a group of kids have been feeding them Mountain Dew and Cheetos, letting them wander in the road, and hitting them with sticks. I need to stop this behavior. I have talked to a teacher. Point of this post is, can this...
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