Recent content by Chickenmother26

  1. Chickenmother26

    Polish lethargic & pooping watery yellow/green

    Update: she died shortly after my last message 😭😭 I am heartbroken
  2. Chickenmother26

    Polish lethargic & pooping watery yellow/green

    Not big, not distended or swollen, but maybe slightly hard? She’s pretty weak right now from refusing to eat much all day but I think she opened her beak a bit when we were squishing it, so maybe a little uncomfortable. I’m not sure what to do so panicking and sobbing while trying to make her eat 🥲
  3. Chickenmother26

    Polish lethargic & pooping watery yellow/green

    So I finished the 10 days of antibiotics yesterday evening, but she still doesn’t seem better. She still doesn’t want to eat and lethargic so we’ve been giving her what we can with a syringe. Is there anything else we can do? Her poop is green except for when we make her eat, I feel bad for her...
  4. Chickenmother26

    Polish lethargic & pooping watery yellow/green

    Thank you! I meant more like I wonder what problem are the antibiotics helping? Hoping it can be healed fully and isn’t a chronic issue
  5. Chickenmother26

    Polish lethargic & pooping watery yellow/green

    Update 1: she seems to be doing better, not drooping her wings so much & she’s actually eating some on her own and wandering around the house a bit and very occasionally making a little bock. Still continuing with the antibiotics, I wonder what the issue could be? Her poops are still green, a...
  6. Chickenmother26

    Polish lethargic & pooping watery yellow/green

    Thank you! I didn’t know about the sugar water, I’ll definitely do that. We had 500 mg human pills so split them in half with a gram scale. I’ve been giving her some poultry cell for vitamins. Just gave her 250 mg amoxicillin, I’ll keep this thread updated with her condition.
  7. Chickenmother26

    Polish lethargic & pooping watery yellow/green

    She won’t even eat scrambled egg 😭 So I wetted some of her food and have been feeding it to her with a syringe. She finally had a bit of brown in her poop (still green mostly) but happy to see something getting digested. We actually found some amoxicillin in our pantry! What dosage should I give...
  8. Chickenmother26

    Bumblefoot all over feet?

    Yes it is possible to have many spots of bumble foot. What kind of bedding do you use? Is it sharp at all? Ours got it from some hemp bedding that had more spiky sticks than usual. We’ve double checked since then to make sure it’s soft and they’ve haven’t gotten it again. But ours had multiple...
  9. Chickenmother26

    Bumblefoot all over feet?

    Hey! That definitely looks like bumblefoot to me. Our chickens had that a couple months back and this is what we did: To treat it you need to remove the scabs to flush the cavity. Do an epsom salt soak first to soften them, then using clean tweezers remove it and flush inside with vetericyn & a...
  10. Chickenmother26

    Polish lethargic & pooping watery yellow/green

    Hello, thank you for reading! My polish chicken Jolene, about 2 years old, was standing with her tail down and acting lethargic so I brought her inside. Thought she just needed a haircut, but it didn’t help. Inside I noticed she was pooping watery/mucousy textured diarrhea, yellow/faintly...
  11. Chickenmother26

    Fluid coming from nose, gasping, smelly poop, lethargic, increased water consumption hen

    Update again if anyone is reading this in the future: I think little Maude did have worms. Either that or the flock got them a couple weeks after she was introduced. I found a poop with multiple 2 ish inch long roundworms inside of it. I treated the flock with killverm 25 ml per 700 ml of water...
  12. Chickenmother26

    Fluid coming from nose, gasping, smelly poop, lethargic, increased water consumption hen

    Thank you! I went back and read the package and realized the re treat is actually 6 days, so that’d be in a few days from now on Tuesday. I think I’m just gonna separate her with a see through fence and give her the water dose again since she’s not very integrated yet, she avoids the rest of the...
  13. Chickenmother26

    Fluid coming from nose, gasping, smelly poop, lethargic, increased water consumption hen

    Endocox withdrawal info in case anyone needs: seems these researchers feel that 44 days would bring the residual drug down to a safe concentration, but 70 days will bring it down to 0. Not much research has been done, so I’ll wait the 70 :)
  14. Chickenmother26

    Fluid coming from nose, gasping, smelly poop, lethargic, increased water consumption hen

    Update: got the endocox a couple days later and treated for 3.5 days (directions said 3 days, but I began treating the moment we got it in the mail so we did 3.5.) I used a liter bottle and 1/4 tsp of the powder (same measurement according to package directions.) The treatment made her poops...
  15. Chickenmother26

    Fluid coming from nose, gasping, smelly poop, lethargic, increased water consumption hen

    Oh no 😭 Okay I ordered some endocox powder I’ve heard is good for treating it. Hopefully it comes quickly 🥲
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