Recent content by ChickenOfSpades

  1. ChickenOfSpades

    Help identifying breed and sex of found chicken

    Google image search thinks it's a bantam Old English Game Hen. Kinda had that look, but it's can be tricky to tell. Someone else found a very similar one here: Here's a video of one: Either way it's a cute chicken. Good luck!
  2. ChickenOfSpades

    How to help chicken getting pecked

    Feeding them Nutrena layer pellets The chicken getting picked on is a black Australorp. The one I think is the biggest bully is a barred Plymouth Rock (ironically the smallest of all the chickens). I also have a big buff...
  3. ChickenOfSpades

    How to help chicken getting pecked

    Also, I have tried putting a chicken saddle on the one getting pecked to give some she's just getting pecked in other places.
  4. ChickenOfSpades

    How to help chicken getting pecked

    I have four chickens. One of them is getting picked on excessively and I'm not sure the best way to help. They have about 8ish square feet per chicken in their coop/pen, and go out into a much larger run every day where they each have about 35 sqft per chicken. I'm working on building a bigger...
  5. ChickenOfSpades

    How about a mix of shavings/straw?

    Update: I've been using a blend of straw and pine shavings for almost two months and it's great. I highly recommend it. I just toss in some handfuls of each as needed and the keep has stayed dry and clean...I just eyeball it to get about 50/50. If it's been raining a bit or otherwise a bit more...
  6. ChickenOfSpades

    How about a mix of shavings/straw?

    There always seems to be some form of the straw vs shavings conversation happening around here. I've used chopped straw or sometimes flock fresh for about a year, and it's worked well. I do wish it was a bit more absorbent at what about a mix of both? I'll probably try it anyway...
  7. ChickenOfSpades

    Sudden temp drop in weather, should I heat coop?

    I put up a tarp on the side facing the wind to give them some extra wind coverage and stop any cold rain/snow from blowing in
  8. ChickenOfSpades

    Sudden temp drop in weather, should I heat coop?

    I know it's usually not necessary to heat a coop in winter, but were getting a sudden drop in temp. Should I give them a little heat since they may not be acclimated yet? (I have a flat panel heater with high/low settings to use instead of a heat lamp) We've been in the mid 70s in day and 40s...
  9. ChickenOfSpades

    Chicken laying eggs with no shell

    Brand new layer. Probably her first two eggs ever. I'll make sure they have plenty of calcium and see if that fixes it. Thanks!
  10. ChickenOfSpades

    Chicken laying eggs with no shell

    I have four chickens. They have all about reached 18 weeks. I've found two "eggs" in the area they like to roam around during the day without a shell. Looks like a yolk and maybe a sack. The barred rock has laid several (~7) little normal eggs over the last 10-14 days...small but otherwise...
  11. ChickenOfSpades

    She's turning blue!

    She gets more and more blue as the days go on!
  12. ChickenOfSpades

    She's turning blue!

    She gets more and more blue as the days go on!
  13. ChickenOfSpades

    Cheap little chicken coop/pen finished

    Thanks, I'm happy with how it turned out. Learned a lot for the bigger one I'm doing next.
  14. ChickenOfSpades

    Chickens don't want to roost

    The little pen/coop is ~4 feet tall, so I'll probably put two roosting bars 18-24 inches off the ground. I just ran out of daylight so an attached a board to whatever I had laying around for tonight.
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