Recent content by ChickGalSyl

  1. ChickGalSyl

    Are dead crickets okay to feed to chickens?

    My friend has a pet gecko and she accidentally ordered too many crickets (food for the gecko), but some of them died. I was wondering if these would be safe to feed to my chickens? They died maybe a day ago. I was wondering because she told me that she can’t feed the dead ones to her gecko...
  2. ChickGalSyl

    Chicken w/ Thickened legs, trouble walking, help!

    That’s what I thought too! But I never heard of it before now so I wasn’t sure. My chickens feed is the Producers Pride 16% Layer Feed. We’ve been giving our chickens that for as long as we’ve had them, I think. On top of that, we give our chickens compost or leftover foods from our kitchen like...
  3. ChickGalSyl

    Chicken w/ Thickened legs, trouble walking, help!

    Thank you for replying so fast and with your great advice! Just now I treated her again with the Vicks vapor rub (until I get the nustock cream you recommended). I’ve been saying and my mom also agrees after seeing her tonight that she has gotten worse. Here are some pics from before the...
  4. ChickGalSyl

    Chicken w/ Thickened legs, trouble walking, help!

    My chicken (at least 5 years old) has been noticeably slower than the rest of the flock, and is concerning me. I first started noticing it maybe 2 months ago. When the other chickens are scratching around, she’s usually lying down resting. She is older than most of the other birds, but I think a...
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