Recent content by ChickieG'ma

  1. ChickieG'ma

    How to treat sour crop

    For the recent posters please read the earlier posts at the beginning of this thread. Some of these people sadly lost hens because of vomiting them. It's so easy to make them aspirate the fluids into their lungs. If that happens it leads to a pretty nasty death. For the chicken's sake, DO NOT...
  2. ChickieG'ma

    Chicken Breed Focus - Minorca

    We have one of these. She was the "gift" chick in our first batch of chicks. Seven years old now she's like the elegant little old lady in the flock. She used to lay xtra large white eggs, at least 5 a week. One of the sweetest chickens we've ever had. I wouldn't mind having a whole flock. :thumbsup
  3. ChickieG'ma

    Topic of the Week - Aggressive Roosters: What is the best way to handle them?

    If he is already doing this at 4 months what will you do when he is 1 year + and his full of hormones? There are many sweet, protective roosters out there that you can trust with your kids, grandchildren, or anyone else who comes into your yard. Peace of mind is good.
  4. ChickieG'ma

    Jest Another Day in Pear-A-Dice - Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm in Alberta

    Just found this thread and I think I have a bit of catching up to do but it's gonna be FUN! Thanks, Tara, for this wonderful and very fun thread.
  5. ChickieG'ma

    Long live the King - the neverending story of Brahmalot!

    My girls would LOVE him. He's gorgeous.
  6. ChickieG'ma

    Looking for someone who will have Russian Orlaff hatching eggs this spring.

    This may not be the right place for this question but I tried the "Never ending hatching egg thread" (I think that was the title) and it seemed to have ended in 2013. Move me if you must but I really need to find someone who will have some of these eggs this spring as my daughter has her...
  7. ChickieG'ma

    Comment by 'ChickieG'ma' in item 'Brahma'

    We still have a light Brahma hen from the first chickens we ever had. She's 5 years old now and for 4 of those years she was the flock mistress. Even now there are few who will get in Tweedle's way without risking a peck but to people she is the sweetest bird you could ever hope for. She likes...
  8. ChickieG'ma

    Comment by 'ChickieG'ma' in article 'Madame Sunni (LOTS of pictures)'

    Sunni is just adorable and I love that you get to keep her inside. I especially love her extensive wardrobe of inside attire!
  9. ChickieG'ma

    My email address not accepted.

    Today I tried to purchase some items in the Store. When I went to check out it told me my email address is invalid. The domain is I have had this address for years, in fact it is the address used for my BYC membership! So I clicked on the contact us tab and filled out the information I...
  10. ChickieG'ma

    Waiting for Success...

    I think she's talking about a heating blanket like you would use on a bed. For people.
  11. ChickieG'ma

    Letting chickens free range

    How old are they? Is your yard fenced? Do you have predator type pets too? We have a very high fenced yard and the way that worked best for me was to let them out for just a little while before dusk. They weren't very old, maybe 6 weeks. We locked them in the chicken house for 3 days so they...
  12. ChickieG'ma

    Tell me why you keep Roosters...

    Yes I have. We kept them in a pen where the whole flock could see them for a couple of weeks then started letting them out. Bill ( 2 yr old GLW ) kind of looked at me like "what? I don't have enough to do?" But he just left it to the girls to sort out the pecking order. Now when it comes to his...
  13. ChickieG'ma

    Why do my chicks freeze and stop moving?

    Maybe they heard, saw or smelled something that seemed threatening? Some animals and birds freeze to avoid detection.
  14. ChickieG'ma

    What predators can roosters actually kill/fend off?

    Duck stategy in the wild is to fly if they aren't brooding or stay in the middle of their pond. Geese are big and mean and chickens in the wild flog and run. Hence, better at both.
  15. ChickieG'ma

    22 days and no Chicks

    Has she been doing this switching all along? It really depends on how long she stays on her original eggs and how long off. If she has let them cool too much then it's probably already too late. I usually move the broody hen and eggs to a hutch I have for separating chickens or to a large dog...
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