Recent content by ChickieMama13

  1. C

    Buff Orpington?

    Absolutely 100% agree with you! The little joys in life, huh. Pretty birds.
  2. C

    Barred Rock or Sex link Roo

    These are the same two pictured above in my update. Definitely Barred Rock. Fun little surprises!
  3. C

    Barred Rock or Sex link Roo

    How interesting! Yea I don't think Australorps have feathered feet, but Easter Eggers certainly can! Has she started laying for you yet?
  4. C

    Buff Orpington?

    Yup! Yours has a slightly lighter head, but the feathers and posture look very similar! I have 5 of the little ladies, so I hope they lay decent enough. They certainly enjoy eating!
  5. C

    Buff Orpington?

    They have a slight almost green tint to them. Definitely lighter than yellow and orange, so probably white. I was hoping for Amberlinks or ISA browns, but I guess that is the risk whenever one aquires birds either from a hatchery or a feed store. Buy because you love the birds, not with a...
  6. C

    Buff Orpington?

    We ordered from an egg production pack. The potential breeds that were listed were, Black Sex Link, Production Red, Rhode Island Red, California White, Amberlink, White Leghorn, and ISA Brown. I don't think these yellow ones are feathering out as any of the above breeds. I've read that Buff...
  7. C

    Barred Rock or Sex link Roo

    Update! I contacted the hatchery about 2 weeks ago, asking if there was a potential breed mix up. They said they accidentally sent us 5 boys, and refunded us for the birds. The chicks are now 5 weeks old, and we have one we are very sure is a rooster, the rest still have small combs and darker...
  8. C

    Barred Rock or Sex link Roo

    Tale as old as time! I ordered 15 little hens from an egg production pack from an online hatchery. They sent us 5 yellow, 5 brown, and 5 black and white. The only black ones in the egg production pack were advertised as Black Sex Link. The rest were either yellow or brown. I'm hoping the...
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