Recent content by Chickileta

  1. C

    Hawk injured my hen

    Thank you for these tips! and where to get them!
  2. C

    Review by 'Chickileta' in article 'A Viewpoint on Handling Roosters: How to Deal with Aggression'

    I Think this is a great article! In particular because so many of us are new at raising chickens and especially roosters! I have always liked to watch my animals and chickens so I appreciate the very thoughtful behaviour analysis and examples of same. they help so very much! I would like it...
  3. C

    Comment by 'Chickileta' in article 'A Viewpoint on Handling Roosters: How to Deal with Aggression'

    I'll be interested to see a reply by the Author of the Article...I love watching animals and my chickens. I raised my chickens for several years before allowing our neighbors rooster (a large Chantocler) to begin visitation rights...couldn't keep him out for one thing! lol... anyway, this...
  4. C

    So glad to be a new member!

    Its so nice to meet old and new friends! The bird in the picture is beautiful! Is she a Cochin?
  5. C

    So glad to be a new member!

    Yes she has and I appreciate it very much!
  6. C

    Sour crop not improving, may be other issues going on

    I am so sorry about your chicken...its so comforting to have this forum, to atleast discuss these things..we have a great shortage of vets with chicken expertise...I have none here either...i live in a rural area outside of Houston. so I was on the forum looking for answers for my black...
  7. C

    New member introduction

    Thank you so much!! I placed a water cup and some scrambled eggs in.. I hope she is okay with eating and drinking at this point.. so far she hasn’t touched either. I will post a picture tomorrow and see how she is of course.
  8. C

    New member introduction

    Hello! Thanks so much for your kindly sharing!! I appreciate it! Thanks for the encouragement, needed.. I am so afraid I’ll lose her!!
  9. C

    Predator injury. Don't need help just sharing

    Thank you so much, my hen has an abdominal injury.. swelled up big and has real obvious bruising. A little blood was on the towel I wrapped her in. Not sure what to do next.
  10. C

    Abdominal injury

    Also, this was an abdominal injury
  11. C

    Abdominal injury

    My pet chicken, Mandy, a production Red, was seized by a large husky.. we finally got ahold of him and he dropped her.. she has severe swelling and bruising.. some little blood was on my towel I wrapped her in. I took her in the house and applied warm wet compresses.. then gently cleaned and...
  12. C

    New member introduction

    Hi I’m Chickileta, I haven’t been around for along while.. I never could get my password to let me in!! I just reset my PW so I should be good…I have had chickens for 3years and a couple months I had only my two pet chicken for a couple years then bought some 4) production reds.. my last red...
  13. C

    Fungal infection or fowl pox?

    Hello all.. my Production Reds have some black edges to combs and white powder sugar looking dots on the combs as well. Not sure how to proceed if anyone has suggestions I would appreciate it greatly!!
  14. C

    Treating With Amoxicillin

    Very helpful post! Thank you for future reference!!
  15. C

    Chicken Breed Focus - Russian Orloff

    Thank you for showing your great photos! They are beautiful birds! How are the roosters? yes, Texas is very hot also!!
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