Recent content by Chickmagnet9

  1. Chickmagnet9


    Unfortunately, no. I need to take care of it because it is the humane thing to do. It is also a good idea to know for future what I may have already at home in times like these.
  2. Chickmagnet9


    I need to euthanize my chicken asap. I do not want to ring or chop off her head. What is something I might have in my own first aid kid that will kill her quickly and how much should I give? It needs to be orally. I do not have any iv or sub-q needles. Thank you.
  3. Chickmagnet9

    Is it a respiratory issue or is it me?

    THANK YOU SO MUCH. I'll contact them asap.
  4. Chickmagnet9

    Is it a respiratory issue or is it me?

    No, she sure doesn't look deathly ill, now. The day I found her she did. I didn't realize I could swab and send in a sample. I was dreading bringing her in to a vet which on some level seems just so odd however, I don't want her to suffer, either. I guess you're right about quarantine and...
  5. Chickmagnet9

    Is it a respiratory issue or is it me?

    This is Donna Henli. I've had her a few years now and this is the first sign of her ever being ill. The video says it all but it's almost 5 min of me talking while you admire the queen. I have 21 hens and she is my only dinky. Found her lethargic, eyes closing, wings dropped, didn't even...
  6. Chickmagnet9

    My 6 mo old BR hen has something stuck in her throat

    My young hen died early this morning. Bless her tiny, loving body and soul. She tried.
  7. Chickmagnet9

    My 6 mo old BR hen has something stuck in her throat

    Oh that's really terrible. I know it is possible but also unlikely since she is only 6 months old. Could happen but this was a quick thing and not something I noticed as gradual. I'm with them every day and she loves me. Always with me.
  8. Chickmagnet9

    My 6 mo old BR hen has something stuck in her throat

    My young hen began meowing and having trouble breathing. I let it go a couple days to work itself out. It is allergy season here, everything in bloom. I dropped RX Med down her throat twice but no help. My poor baby hen who's only 6 months old and the sweetest of all, has a lump in her...
  9. Chickmagnet9

    How do you get a good rooster????

    I have found that to be exactly the opposite of what I preach. My most gentle roos have been hand feed, cuddled, petted, groomed and so on. My favorite was Prince (in my profile pic) and I miss him to this day. The roos I had the least amount of contact with have been the most aggressive...
  10. Chickmagnet9

    No energy and bright green poop!

    My 2 year old Buff Orp. seems never to habe been as healthy as her twin sister. This is night 3 after seeing her all of a sudden lethargic and confused and stumbling. Her comb is also the palest pink I've ever seen on any of my chickens I've had over several years. I immediately gave her B12...
  11. Chickmagnet9

    Rescued chicks--what are these?

    The feet and legs are a good 3/4 dark in color
  12. Chickmagnet9

    Rescued chicks--what are these?

    My husband brought them home. They were here when I got home. There was apparently an abrupt living situation where they were (with the humans) and that is all I know. I don't know if they are sexed or what the outcome was, I don't know the breed although I think they look liked Barred Rock...
  13. Chickmagnet9

    Rescued chicks--what are these?

    I have many chickens but I don't have any Barred Rock which is what these look like to me. I have heard and read that you can tell male from female by the dot vs. spread out splatt on their head. If they are a splatt like each of these, they are male. I do not know if this is true and...
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