Recent content by Chickmate

  1. Chickmate

    Need Home for Three Northern Bobwhite Qail

    I have three quail, a female who is laying eggs and two males. One male is regular bobwhite and one is a black masked bob. Of course the two males are fighting and I have been having to keep the black masked bob by himself which is killing me. Nothing should be alone. I don't want to get...
  2. Chickmate

    Not Sure What's Goin on with My Hen

    Thanks to everyone for the advice on culling. At this point she is far from that although I realize that many of you would have done it long ago based on the fact that she is not laying and not in excellent health, a sickly freeloader, so to speak. She does have lots of fluff or down coming in...
  3. Chickmate

    Not Sure What's Goin on with My Hen

    Well, little Oprah is still hanging in there. In fact, she's doing pretty good. She still sleeps in the house and goes out with the flock during the day. I leave the door on her carrier open and she spends most of her time at night sitting on a towel on the washing machine in front of the...
  4. Chickmate

    Not Sure What's Goin on with My Hen

    I had another vet appointment for my cat and took Oprah along to see if he could see any improvement in her. He was very surprised when I took her out of the carrier and said she did look better than the last time he saw her. He asked what I was doing for her and said he thinks she has an...
  5. Chickmate

    The road less traveled...back to good health! They have lice, mites, scale mites, worms, anemia, gl

    So you're saying your birds live only off what they forage in the summer? No laying crumbles or any supplemental food at all? How would I know if mine were getting enough to eat and to support egg laying (besides getting eggs!). Would it also depend on where you live and the type of property...
  6. Chickmate

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Sorry, I stand by what I said. There is no good reason to dump a dog, including all of the above. Every one of those issues should be considered a possibility when you are thinking of adopting a dog and every one of those issues can be corrected or circumvented without dumping the animal...
  7. Chickmate

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    I haven't a clue what your "reason" is, but in my opinion, there is no good reason for "getting rid" of your dog. When you adopt an animal it's a lifetime commitment, just like when you have children. If there is a problem fix it without dumping the dog (although if you're of a mindset to dump...
  8. Chickmate

    The road less traveled...back to good health! They have lice, mites, scale mites, worms, anemia, gl

    My birds don't like them either. The other day I saw three perfectly good big pumpkins someone had set out for garbage pickup so I stopped and picked them up for the chickens. I broke one open thinking the girls would dive in to it but a week later not a seed has been touched. Someone here...
  9. Chickmate

    Not Sure What's Goin on with My Hen

    Thanks again for the advice and ideas everyone. CluckyCharms, you might have something there. I am going to talk to my vet and see if he thinks a hormone imbalance could be the problem. I just did a little research and found a list of plants and herbal supplements that are known to balance...
  10. Chickmate

    Not Sure What's Goin on with My Hen

    I know taking her to a vet would be expensive and it's certainly not money I have to spend, but nothing I have done has helped her so far. I have dusted her with Sevin three or four times but for the last 6-8 months her feathers have looked like they are being chewed by lice. I'd like to have...
  11. Chickmate

    Not Sure What's Goin on with My Hen

    Little Ms. Oprah did something tonight that blew me away. We (me, dogs and chickens) were outside all day because it was so nice out. I was watching her peck around with the flock thinking she looks almost normal except for her feathers. She is very alert and when a redtailed hawk flew into a...
  12. Chickmate

    Not Sure What's Goin on with My Hen

    I have wormed the whole flock three times this year with Ivomec. I don't see any worms in their poop and not sure what else to look for besides that. A couple of them consistantly have watery poops but act completely normal otherwise and do not seem sickly like Oprah. If there are no negative...
  13. Chickmate

    The road less traveled...back to good health! They have lice, mites, scale mites, worms, anemia, gl

    Hello Bee and all. Thanks for the invite to sit on the porch with ya! I started reading from day one and got hooked but then started skipping around trying to keep up. I guess I need to go back to where I left off and read straight through. I just have two questions to ask: 1. How and...
  14. Chickmate

    Not Sure What's Goin on with My Hen

    Oprah is just picking at the FF now, not diving into it like she did in the beginning. She pecks around at it a bit before I take her out in the morning, but while she's out she free ranges with the flock and comes in with a full crop at night. Per Bee's suggestion I made some BOSS suet and...
  15. Chickmate

    Not Sure What's Goin on with My Hen

    I thought I'd add a few picures of Oprah and her sister Whoopie. I named her Oprah because she was the fat one and Whoopie had a kind of scrawny neck from plucking her own feathers. Now it's reversed and Oprah is the scrawny one. This is Whoopie yesterday. This is Whoopie in the...
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