Recent content by chickndoglover

  1. chickndoglover

    Please Post Pics of Two Week Old Chicks

    This is my banty chick frizzlex at 2 weeks
  2. chickndoglover

    When can chicks go outside?

    Perfect question, I was just going to ask the same thing and I also live on Vancouver Island ,BC
  3. chickndoglover

    Turkey hens fighting

    Thanks for the response. The lady that has them is keeping them separate on different sides of the pen and they still stuck their heads through the wire and fought. I think it is going to end up that mine will have to come back here to live. Well it was worth a try. Thanks
  4. chickndoglover

    Turkey hens fighting

    Do you think they would kill each other?
  5. chickndoglover

    Turkey hens fighting

    I know some of this has been covered in other threads but, my turkey hen is 4 years old she has been the only turkey here for 3 years when her sister disappeared. She has been living with my chickens and roosters. I recently found her sister has been living just down the road with a tom and...
  6. chickndoglover

    Banty chicken personality change

    Thank you both for your replies, after a few days she returned to being a very social house chicken, she is even more social and very comfortable in the house and checks everything out. There is not really any reason for not leaving her out with the others other than me just enjoying having her...
  7. chickndoglover

    Banty chicken personality change

    I was wondering if this is normal. I got a barred rock pullet at 3 months from a chicken swap, it was in Sept and very cold and wet outside so I didn't put her out with my bantys right away and I kept her in the house for a few weeks, then had her in a cage inside the coop/run and brought her...
  8. chickndoglover

    NatureWise Feather Fixer pellet- anyone using?

    I live on Vancouver Island, British Columbia,. Canada, they listed Buckerfields in Duncan as a carrier but they havent heard of it, I would love to know if it is available anywhere in BC.
  9. chickndoglover

    Again. With the hawk.

    Heartbreaking too say the least since I lost my rooster (and he wasnt a banty size but he wasnt huge either) all was left was a handful of feathers, then the next day a dead brahma in the yard, I am pretty sure it is a hawk. My dog BCollie is good but I cant leave him in the yard when I go to...
  10. chickndoglover

    Hawks repellent, deterrent , Need Help Advice...

    I started the same kind of topic yesterday, when I first got chickens people suggested getting turkeys for flying predators, I did have 2 hens and a tom but I had to rehome the tom as my border collie and him hated each other and would fight. I still have one hen that hangs with the chickens and...
  11. chickndoglover

    Do you think it is a Hawk?

    I read as much as I could about the hawks around here last night. I am just surprised that they could lift my rooster. But the condition of the hen makes me pretty sure it is a hawk. I left them all locked in the pens today and I have some very mad chickens and especially the turkey hen she is...
  12. chickndoglover

    Do you think it is a Hawk?

    I have been trying to figure out which predator has killed 2 of my birds, I live in BC on Vancouver Island, my birds have been free ranging for 4 years, they have lots of cover and since I put up the electric fence the mink and coons have not been in. My rooster John Wayne didn;t come into the...
  13. chickndoglover

    Serama Roo not breathing well

    I know this is a long time after my initial post, but I thought I would post what happened to my little Serama. His breathing got progressively worse and nothing I tried worked and my vet couldnt help so I had him put to sleep and my vet performed a necropsy and he had a very large tumor in his...
  14. chickndoglover

    Silkie Rooster not well

    I have a 5 year old black Silkie Roo who is acting lethargic, walks slowly, not steady on his feet and has lost weight. He lives in a pen with all banty girls and is still eating. I have him in the house now because it is very wet and cold outside (they are under cover out of the rain) and he...
  15. chickndoglover

    Serama Roo not breathing well

    Thank you Erica for your response, I am going to talk to my vet again. This is one of the reasons I have stopped adding birds to my flock, losing them to either predators or illness breaks my heart everytime.
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